Sunday, January 1, 2012

People who are prone to back pain

There is several ‘high risk’ occupations associated with a painful back. If you fall into any of them, take extra care:

Manual Workers:  About 22 per cent of miners, furniture removers, construction workers, Dockers and other manual workers are regular sufferers.

Nurses:  About 17 per cent of nurses – who regularly have to lift bedridden patients, an vary an bend in their work- are stricken each year.

Office workers: Typists and computer operators are prone, because they often use badly designed chairs that do not give enough support to the small of the back, an so encourage the operatives to slouch.

Drivers: Long distance truck drivers, tractor drivers, and those who spend a lot of time behind the wheel are liable to get lower back pain due to poor posture and the vibration they experience in their vehicles.

Homemakers and mothers:  Bending to make beds, cleaning, lifting, and carrying babies and small children frequently cause back problems. Many women start getting back pain during pregnancy. 

Athletes: Any sport that involves vigorous activity (for example, football, tennis o squash), or one that makes great use of a particular set of muscles (for example, weightlifting or golf), can put undue strain on the back.

The elderly: The older you are, the less supple your joints and muscles are likely to be. Back pain and stiffness may result –and there is a risk of OSTEOPOROSIS developing.

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