Friday, January 20, 2012

The Beauty of Falling in Love

Whether you are old or young, the euphoria of love eventually hits everyone. Moreover, when it hits you, it is the most beautiful thing. ‘Love, love, changes everything’!

Love is like a volcano. Hot, steamy, and ready to cause some explosions. When two people are in love, there is a virtual explosion of adrenalin-like chemistry rushing through the body.

When we fall in love, different hormones and neurotransmitters are triggered from the lower part of the cerebellum to the frontal cortex of the brain. It is almost as if a volcano has awoken from its dormant state. The feeling of euphoria, wooziness, butterflies in your stomach, and hot flushes, as well as sweaty palms, can all be blamed on the neurotransmitter, dopamine.

Simply staring into someone’s eyes can spark a feeling of mutual attraction. A feeling of attraction is usually stimulated by sight, smell, hearing, or touch. Generally, men produce noradrenalin and dopamine far more quickly than women do. Men just have stronger visual perceptions when it comes to pretty women. This explains why some men, but not all, may look at many other parts of a woman, before looking at her face.

For many people, there are specific things that make other people attractive to them:

Appearance – facial features, hair colour, eye colour, and skin colour, all form part of the chemical process of love and attraction. Many people even look at your dress sense. There is no accounting for taste.

Pheromones – this is the part where we behave like animals. Many are attracted to a specific scent, often a scent that we would not think we would recognise. Natural pheromones are produced in human sweat. However, today, most of us make use artificial pheromones, such as that bottle perfume, or baby powder. Many women are attracted to others because of their smell.

Personality – a person’s character plays a large role in love. People tend to be attracted to those who have a similar character to our parents. Personality traits that could be appealing could be a dry sense of humour, honesty, diligence, and responsibility.

However, forget the ‘science’ of love just for a while – just be yourself and go out for that magic spell of love – it will change your world – Love is Beautiful!

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