Friday, September 30, 2011

Avoid these exercises during pregnancy

If you were active before your pregnancy, here's the good news: there's no reason why you should stop exercising now. A moderate amount of exercise is good for both you and your baby. Note, however, that certain physical activities should be avoided.

Avoid the following: being too active during hot weather; steam rooms, hot tubs and saunas; physical activities that call for you to lie flat on your back, such as certain yoga poses; contact sports such as football and boxing; and activities that make you jump or change direction quickly, such as tennis or netball.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Top Five Ways to Sharpen Your Sense of Humour

If you want to have more fulfilling relationships you might want to consider sharpening your sense of humour as a great place to start.

1. Cultivate an atmosphere of humour and laughter

Begin to cultivate an atmosphere of humour and laughter in your relationships by focussing on the funny things in life and enjoying the laughter they evoke. Soon you will be seeing humour all over and enjoying it fully.

2. Associate with fun-loving people

If you don't laugh as much as you used to and want to correct the situation start associating with humorous, fun loving people and avoid the kill joys of life.

3. Learn to laugh at yourself

If you don't laugh at yourself other will do it for you. So many people are unable to laugh at themselves because of their own insecurities and fears. They are afraid to look foolish in the eyes of others and appear to be incompetent.

4. Make a habit of collecting jokes

Collect cartoons and jokes and put them on display for all to see and enjoy. Remember, there is plenty of good clean humour to go around. Keep the humour clean.

5. Use humour to neutralize conflict

Learn how to be witty. When things get tense use wit or humour to brighten things up. Humour can let the biggest bully crack a smile or even burst out in laughter.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

6 Tips for Better Time Management

The simple, unpleasant truth is that we are probably busier than we ever have been. Notwithstanding the fact that little science backs up this notion, the anecdotal evidence is overwhelming.

"You can see it all around us," says Jana Jasper, a New York-based productivity expert and author of Take Back Your Time. "People talk too fast. We're always in a rush. We start things and don't finish them and are constantly nagged by the idea that we've forgotten to do something, but we're not sure what it is."

That people awash in labor- and time-saving devices, from robotic vacuum cleaners to microwave ovens to computers, would feel so harried so often seems counterintuitive. But what technology gives, it also takes away.

"As we have increased the numbers of time-saving devices and products to make our lives easier we have found ways to fill the time," says Tracy Lyn Moland a time management consultant and author of Mom Management, Managing Mom Before Everybody Else. And a chronic lack of time leads to stress.

But the time-management experts we spoke to all say that it is possible to reduce stress. Think about it as adding an extra hour to your day through time-management techniques.

Something as simple as "knowing where your keys are in the morning, knowing where your kid's library book or homework is, will reduce a lot of stress," says Moland. She has a number of time management tips.

Make a Time Diary

Take a week and plot out what you do every day. Be honest. If you watch 25 hours of TV each week, write it down.

"This is a painful awakening for most people," says Jana Jasper. "You have to include everything --- gym time, eating, driving, weekly meetings, all of it. It can be upsetting to see how little unstructured time we allow ourselves. But it's difficult to make intelligent decisions about using your time more effectively if you don't know what you're doing with your time now."

Learn to Say "No"

Turn off your cell phone and beeper. When someone asks you to do something that you really don't have time to do, say so, politely, but firmly. And don't allow yourself to feel guilty.

"One reason we are feeling so busy all the time is that we are worse at setting personal boundaries around what we'll say 'no' to," says Jana Kemp, founder and president of Meeting & Management Essentials, a time-management consultancy in Boise, Idaho.

Part of declining to do things, is focusing on your goals, Kemp explains. Your time diary can help in this regard. Once you've blocked time for important, but often not scheduled activities, sign on for only those things that are important, family, friends and health. Once you know exactly what you have time to do, turning down things that don't fit into your priorities is easier.

Time-Based, To-Do List

"Create a to-do list that includes how much time you'll spend on each item on the list," says Moland. Lists are always helpful, but when you add how much time each task should take, it helps prioritize how you go about the tasks. When you prioritize tasks you naturally focus on those that you can do immediately.

Let Your Computer Help

Technology helped get you into the time bind in the first place, so use it to help get you out. Try some of the many personal scheduling software programs that allow you to keep a calendar, "to-do' lists, and phone and address books on your computer.

"It's not enough to be efficient anymore," said Jasper. "The goal here is to use the technology to get rid of all the paper in your life. I can't stress enough how important this is."

Much of organizing, these experts say, comes from streamlining your life. The more clutter you have in your life -- phone numbers on slips of paper, business cards in notebooks, a desk piled high with calendars and lists -- the more likely you are to waste time trying to stay organized and on top of things.


Is there a more overused buzzword today? We all combine several activities into one all the time. Some multitasking is dangerous. Talk on the phone while driving and your chances of being involved in a traffic accident rise dramatically. That being said, lots of activities can be effectively and safely combined. Listen to books on tape while commuting. When you watch television, pay your bills.

"Women are better able to multitask than men," said Moland. "Even if both partners work full time, the woman usually is able to still think about the children's schedule, the home, the meals. Men are better able to focus in on one task at a time -- and women can learn from this at times."

Don't Be a Perfectionist

There's nothing wrong with being ordinary. Perfectionism, otherwise known as paying excessive attention to every detail, important or not, is a kind of procrastination.

"Set rational goals for yourself," says Jasper. "It's a fine thing to strive to be your best. It's counter productive to try to be the very best."

Setting unattainable expectations of yourself just adds stress to your life, Kemp explains.

Reward Yourself

Finally, don't let any progress, however small, go unrewarded.

"Use your time diary to make decisions about how you want to organize your time better," said Jasper. "As you make progress in prioritizing and saying 'no,' let yourself enjoy that. It doesn't have to be a big reward, maybe it can be as simple as spending some time by yourself or getting a massage. It's important to acknowledge and enjoy your success."

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Do Men Love Foreplay Like Women?

It is often believed that only women love foreplay. Is it true? Well the answer is No. Even men crave for foreplay and the moves which women do to drive them crazy. Men love to fantasize and this is what makes them crazy for foreplay. The oral love which a woman gives to a man makes him more excited to make love. Lets check out what moves woman does to excite a man.

Foreplay men love and the moves woman makes:

1. Men love to watch visuals. When a woman tries to excite a man, she tries some wild moves which makes the man go crazy in seconds.

2. Wearing sensual outfits especially lingerie is a sign of sensuality which excites the man fall for her.

3. One of the woman moves which drives a man crazy is talking dirty. The way she talk and asks for orgasm makes the man feel good and wanted.

4. The way of undressing and feeling the man's body makes the foreplay erotic for the couple.

5. Men love striptease. Try to striptease and make it erotic. Add music and create ambiance as a man loves such a move of woman.

6. Men love to enjoy foreplay. A hand job can make it good to enjoy male orgasm but men crave for mouth job which is seldom liked by women.

7. Even a sign of making love by the woman by texting or mailing is a nice move which men love.

8. Appreciating the actions and moves of the man also encourages to do more!

9. If the woman wears or does anything which her man likes also drives a man crazy. It helps stretch foreplay.
10. Footsie is flirtatious and intimate. This is a nice sign of sensuality to give the hint of making love. Try it on a man and see the magic of footsie move of a woman.

These 10 points makes a men love foreplay as the moves woman makes can add more to the orgasm 

By Amrisha

Monday, September 26, 2011

Failing erections may indicate heart problems

Impotence could be a harbinger of heart disease in some men, according to a meta-analysis published .

But another study out today suggests heart-healthy lifestyle changes or cholesterol-lowering drugs could have a positive effect on men's sexual health.

Scientists have known about the link between erectile dysfunction and heart health for years. Although unproven, a common theory is that arteries supplying the penis with blood during erections may become clogged earlier than those in the heart, thus providing an early warning of possible coronary artery disease.

To investigate the connection between the two, Jia-Yi Dong of Soochow University in Suzhou, China, and colleagues pooled data from 12 studies of impotence and heart disease involving nearly 37,000 men.

They found that men with erectile problems had a 48% increase in their risk of developing heart disease. Those men also had higher mortality rates than men who didn't have sexual problems.

Traditional risk factors such as smoking, obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure didn't explain the link, the Chinese team reports in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.

That strengthens the case that impotence, when it isn't due to partnership problems or other psychological issues, is a risk factor for heart disease in its own right.

Lifestyle changes improve problems

In the other study, published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, a review of earlier work found that both lifestyle changes and statins appeared to improve men's erectile problems – although only a little.

Men who exercised more or were put on a Mediterranean diet rich in whole grain, fruits, vegetables, nuts and olive oil, for instance, reported a 2.4-point improvement on a 25-point scale of erectile problems.

Those taking statins saw a similar improvement of 3.1 points, according to Dr Bhanu Gupta and colleagues of the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. The results are based on six trials with 740 participants.

While that improvement might not be meaningful for all men, the researchers say, their findings "strengthen existing knowledge that healthy dietary habits and increased physical activity are important components of health to improve quality of life in men by improving sexual health".

They add that lifestyle changes appear to work, regardless of whether men are taking sildenafil (Viagra) or not.

(Reuters Health, September 2011)  

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Is She Attracted to You?

Many guys wonder whether women are attracted to them, mainly because women are much more subtle than guys when it comes to showing their attraction towards someone. However, once you know the secrets, spotting the signs is easy. Just one of these actions is enough to act on; more than one - then go for it! Here are the ways women may show that they like you:

1. When She Wants to Speak to You:

·      She will point her feet in your direction when standing up.
·      She may smile, or look away embarrassed, when holding eye contact.
·      She jerks her leg in your direction if sitting down with legs crossed.
·      She adjusts her posture - sitting up straighter and holding in her belly.
·      She faces you with her hips/legs towards you while sitting.
·      She opens up her body language to you while standing.
·      She brushes up against you unnecessarily when she passes.
·      She looks at you twice before approach.
·      She touches her hair when she notices you.
If you receive any of these gestures, definitely move in and begin conversation with her. The next aim is to move the interaction along to a point where the girl actually wants to continue pursuing a conversation with you. This may happen instantly, or it could take a while. If you have jumped straight in without any of the above signals, look for some of the below to know if she is interested.

2. If She is Interested in Extending the Interaction:

·      She asks your name.
·      She asks you other questions.
·      She responds with extended answers to your questions.
So those are the signs that she likes you enough to want to talk to you, but how can you tell if she actually wants to get physical with you?

3. If She is Sexually Attracted to You:

·      She strokes her neck when talking to you.
·      She gazes at your mouth.
·      She tilts head to the side when speaking to you.
·      Her pupils dilate.
·      She laughs at your jokes, even if they aren't funny.
·      She is happy listening to you even when you are talking nonsense.
·      She holds eye contact with you and doesn't look around the room or at her friends. (Note - if she is nervous and it is just not her character to hold strong eye contact, she could still be interested.)
·      She is doesn't mind you touching her and entering her space.
·      She is willing to leave her friends and stay with you.
·      She laughs and hits you on the shoulder when you tease her.
·      She looks at you in a dreamy way.
·      She asks if you're single.
·      She uses your name in conversation.
·      She leans in towards you.
Knowing the signs that a girl is attracted to us is very useful, as it not only tells you whether or not to make the move but also helps to avoid missing crucial opportunities. Your success rate with women will increase significantly, just by knowing how to read them.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Ten Ways to Keep Your Long Distance Relationship Steamy and Happy

They say that absence makes the heart grow fonder; but too much absence and a lack of creativity can be a messy combination for long distance lovers. Add busy careers, children, and ex-spouses to the mix and you have a recipe for disaster on your hands. But, for those of you who believe that love has no boundaries, there is still hope! With a little creativity, effort, and comfort with technology, you and your long distance lover will create an impenetrable bond that truly knows no boundaries.

Whether you have to fly 3000 miles or drive 3 hours to see your lover, one thing that is certain is that it takes much dedication to maintain a healthy long distance relationship that is fun and worthwhile. The dedication needed has to come from both partners and communication is the key to success. The following tips have helped me and others that I know to have successful long distance relationships, but is by no means exhaustive. Each relationship is unique and some things may work for some but not others.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Simple Facts About Falling In Love

We are meant to live a life of love. However, no matter how successful some are in other aspects of their lives, they don't feel it's realistic to have the same success in love.

But being in love is the most realistic thing you can do. It energizes your life, fills you with positivity, creates generosity and makes every moment beautiful. The body heals the heart is happy. The real question is, why aren't we in love all the time? What keeps it away?

The following steps will show you how easy it is to open your eyes and find love wherever you go.

The one right besides you

Most of the time we are searching for the right person and don't take a moment to stop and see who is right in front of our eyes.

Look at a person who is close to you right now, anyone it happens to be.
Notice the ways in which you push him away. Stop doing that.
Allow the two of you to be together in whatever way you are.
Do the same thing tomorrow with someone else.
We dismiss so many people who are in our worlds, while waiting for the "right one" to appear. The more we can be "right" with everyone, the sooner we'll find just what we're looking for.

Playing at love

So many complain that they are not loved. The reason for this is they are so busy playing games their partner never knows who they really are.

Notice what games you play in relationships, and what games you demand others play. See if you are in love with the person, or with the game you are both playing right now.
Become aware of the difference between who you are and the games you play. Let the games and be who you are. Who you are is always loveable. Itâ€s the games that get in the way.

Letting him come and letting him go

One obstacle to falling in love is the tendency to hold on to what is wrong. We grasp and cling to whatever we have, preventing the right one from coming to us.
When someone comes into your life (or day) practice letting him come.
Enjoy him/her for whoever he is.

When it is time for a person to go, practice letting him go. Do not turn this into an experience of rejection or loss. It is simply time for him to go.
Do this with yourself as well. Let yourself come and go freely, not tying yourself in chains. The more we free others and ourselves, the more easily we fall in love.

Putting your baggage down

Many feel that love is not possible unless all their demands are met. They can be quite amazed to discover that these demands don't lead to happiness. They may even be obstacles to falling in love.

Take a look at what you feel is absolutely necessary in relationships. Realize this is baggage you are carrying that may be keeping all kinds of people and possibilities away.

Let one of these demands subside. At first let it go for just one day. (Remember you can always take it back again). Now try another day. The more you do this the more lighter and happier you will feel. And the more space you will make for all kinds of new people, possibilities and situations to come your way.

Giving gifts

What gifts do you give others in relationships? And what do you hope to receive in return? It's important to give openly as well as to receive.
Find something new you can give to somebody. Give it. Do this everyday. It does not have to be fancy or expensive. Do this with all kinds of different people. Do it quietly without fanfare and without expecting something in return.
Do this with yourself as well. Each day take a moment to find out what kind of gift you would like today. (A walk in the park, new lipstick, time with someone you care for.) Give this to yourself each day. Although this exercise is simple, it is extremely powerful. Doing this daily in your relationship can turn everything around. By living with this open, generous mind, all kinds of other gifts come to you naturally.

Making friends with yourself

Many say they are lonely, even with a partner at their side. This is simply because they have not yet made friends with themselves. Once they make friends with themselves and are able to be who they are, loneliness disappears.

Make friends with yourself. Spend time noticing who you are. Accept all parts of yourself. Stop judging and rejecting what is going on inside. Understand you are perfect just as you are. Then choose to do the same in relationships. Choose to have relationships with those who want and appreciate just what you are.

by Dr. Brenda Shoshanna

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

What do men want?

What are men looking for in a relationship with a woman?

I mean the average man. The man you will fall for – fall in love with him.

In my opion and according to my own experience, this is what a man want. Really want!

Men want someone they can be crazy, madly, deeply in love with— and they want someone who feels the same way about them. 

Men do not want to be alone. For this matter, nobody wants to be alone. We were created to be with someone.  Men want to be part of a home and family and they want to belong somewhere.  Women are much better at making a home for themselves than men are.  When a man has a broken heart, he goes to another woman.  When a woman has one, she usually goes to her girlfriends.

Generally, men want to be with someone who is physically appealing, but what they really want is someone who takes care of herself, has some pride in her appearance, shows some style and taste in her clothes, makeup, and hair, and spends a little time making herself look as good as she can.  What he doesn’t want is someone who is so self-absorbed in herself, obsessed on her looks, and shallow in her outlook, she has no time or depth to notice him.

Men do not want to be with someone who is angry, yelling, and acting out.  They do not want a woman with a cold, edgy, or negative attitude.  They want to be with someone who is not a doormat, but who chooses to see more of the good in them than the bad.

Men love feminine women.  They love women who smell good, wear soft textures and who are truly woman!

Men are also sentimental creatures, just like us.  They desperately want to trust the person they give their heart to. 

Women who have charm, wit, and a deeply developed sense of humor are irresistible. Being with a woman that they can share laughter with makes men feel fearless.

Lastly, men want physical intinacy – but deeper than that – they want someone with a healthy, happy attitude about sex.  Combine that with the above and what do you have?  Men in love.  What men really want—is to be in love.


Sunday, September 18, 2011

Signs of Sexual Attraction From a Woman

You can't really blame them. If all it took for me to get my own way was to giggle and thrust my chest out, I don't think I'd ever stop.

But it's not much help to us men.

We've all read articles about female body language. We know how to spot if a girl is flirting with us and we've been told that means that she fancies us. Now it turns out that that isn't necessarily true.

So how do you go about recognizing which are the compulsive flirts and which girls are genuinely hot for you?

Well, I'm about to tell you.

The first thing to remember is that some body language cannot be faked. Sure, she can twirl her hair and hold your gaze, but there are certain signals which only genuinely interested girls give out.

Start by looking into her eyes. If she likes the looks of you her eyebrows will twitch momentarily upwards in greeting and her pupils will quickly dilate. Her focus will begin darting between your left and right eyes and occasionally down to your lips.

Check her skin. If her blood's pumping excitedly, her neck and chest will become slightly flushed and she may be more prone to blushing. You might also notice she's stroking her own chest, arm or face slowly and seductively - any rhythmic caressing of herself is an absolute give away that this girl is really into you.

Finally, look for mirroring. If you've both turned your shoulders and legs so you're facing each other, you know you've made a connection. You are also likely to start reaching for your drinks at the same time, or simultaneously sorting your hair.

Now let's go beyond body language and look at her behavior.

You see, while compulsively flirty girls are after your attention, they're also after the attention of every other man in the room. A woman who is genuinely into you, on the other hand, only needs you notice her and will focus all of her energies on making sure that happens.

There are various ways in which girls try to get your attention. She may ask you to dance. If you insist that she dances without you, she will spend the whole song glancing your way to check that you're watching. She may pull out a few extra sexy moves designed to get your heart thumping.

Try talking to another girl, whether a friend or the bartender. If the flirty girl suddenly appears at your side or you notice her watching intently, you can be sure that she's feeling jealous. She's trying her best to impress you tonight and won't want to share your attention with anyone.

On the other hand, if you catch her giggling and whispering with your guy friends, don't assume the worst. Girls know they need your mates' seal of approval so by doing her best to get them to like her, she's trying to ensure that you will, too.

And finally, if she leans in close and starts telling you her secrets, you know that you've scored. By creating an aura of intimacy between you she is allowing herself to relax - and nothing is more important than that if you're planning on taking her home.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Learn how to Seduce

We all wish to be objects of desire, someone in which no one can resist. So, what makes great seduction? The list below will help you get started in becoming the seductive creature you always wanted to be!

Dress the Part - If you want to seduce someone, you must dress seductively. Dressing in a seductive manner does not mean being sleazy however. It means being sexy and mysterious. A great example would a woman wearing a short and sassy suit. Her legs are showing wonderfully in that short suit skirt, but it leaves the mystery everywhere else. If you decide to show your legs off, try not to show too much cleavage. If you want to show your cleavage off, then remember not to show too much leg. High-heeled boots and shoes are also very sexy and seductive. It is easier for men. Men should just dress charmingly and be well groomed. Wearing slacks and a nice shirt always works.

Scent Marking - Leave your mark with a sweet smelling scent. Wear a perfume or cologne that will be sure to make an unforgettable impression when you walk by the person you want to seduce. People are very much in touch with their sense of smell and therefore will probably follow your trail if you smell great!

Hypnotic Power - Use your hypnotic power to get the attention of the person you want. Your hypnotic power is located in your eyes. You can use it by giving them a mysterious look that introduces who you are, without having to speak. Getting caught staring at him or her while giving your hypnotic look is a wonderful way to seduce someone, because it is an invitation for him or her to approach and introduce themselves.

Mysterious Confidence - There is nothing sexier and seductive than a person who is confident and mysterious about it. Keep in mind to carry yourself with sureness and direction. Give a little acknowledgement that you know he or she exists by catching them staring at you. Then smile and continue on with whatever it is you are doing. This will make you mysterious and confident in yourself. When you are a mystery and have clear direction in your life, people are sure to follow.

Speaking the Language -  Knowing how to speak the language of seduction is one of the biggest keys to accomplishing your seducing plan. Though the language involves speaking, a lot of it is based on the non-verbal. Most of is based on the silent words that speak through your body, known as body language. While performing your act of flirtation, it is important to match your body language with it. Be playful by slightly touching him or her in a playful way, such as a light shove and laughing. Or if the two of you are speaking on a more serious note, then use your eyes as head speaker (your hypnotic power). Give him or her an intense stare as you talk, that lets them know that you are desirable and worth getting to know better. Pay attention to how they respond too. If he or she seems uncomfortable with your words or playful ways, then tone it down.

Being seductive does not always take place when you are trying to get the person you have your eyes on. You can keep your seductive character even after getting in a relationship. It is actually the most important time to bring out your seductive side because it will help the relationship remain hot, spicy and sexy. You will always keep your partner wanting more! So keep dressing the part, leaving your mark, talking the talk, acting the act and being yourself.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Show Off Your Inner Beauty and Spread Smiles

It's a secret that the magazines and TV shows don't want you to know, but hey, I'm not bound by the strictures of selling. I'm a lot more interested in seeing women access real beauty, the kind that doesn't wrinkle with age or evaporate in harsh light. Fact is, the most beautiful women in the world are the ones who know the secret and who use it before ever applying moisturizer. Have you ever noticed that, some days it's easy to look beautiful, and other days, with the same clothes, the same makeup, the same face, it's just plain impossible? Do you ever feel like your face changes drastically and mystically, from day to day? Why does beauty abandon us without warning some days and then spring forth others?

The #1 beauty secret....Lasting beauty isn't physical

Real beauty comes from attitude. With the right attitude, beauty is inevitable; without the attitude, all the cosmetics in the world can't create beauty. When we buy cosmetics or clothes, we hope to buy the things that go along with them in the ads: confidence, poise, style. But those things don't actually come in the package: they come from inside.

So what is the secret to achieving real beauty, not the kind that changes day to day, but the kind that stays with you all your life?

I think the secret is simple: make your whole life as good as it can be. Start beautifying your inside and worry about the outside later.

Find Activities that Bring You Joy and Passion

Finding something you love to do is a good start to increasing the moments of joy in your life, and your passion for living. Today's pace of life prevents too many people from finding what they love to do because they feel so tired. But when you give in to the urge to take photographs or make your own clothes or do woodworking, or become a first-class baker, you're giving yourself a gift. It takes energy, but it also creates energy in the passion you find for a new activity. You may or may not be able to change careers, but doing something you love even as a hobby brightens you up. You'll look forward to getting up in the morning, you'll feel more interested and alive, and other people will be drawn to your energy. If schools really wanted to increase the quality of kids' lives, there would be a place in the curriculum for finding things you love to do and working at them, attaining a level of expertise that lets you express your creativity. As adults, we can re-educate ourselves about joy and passion by skipping the night class in business management and studying sculpture instead.

Kindness: Show Others Your Inner Beauty

People remember striking physical beauty, but people appreciate kindness. Stress is one of the killers of kindness: when we feel pressured, we tend to pull away from others in a misguided attempt to save ourselves from more pain. In fact, this protective measure is exactly the opposite of what we need to do to reduce stress. When you reach out to people, it invariably makes you feel good. You don't read much about kindness these days, and it's a real shame, because it's one of the few things that really count.

Kindness can take so many forms, it's hard to know where to start in describing it. Sometimes being kind just means not pressing an advantage when you could. Letting someone in front of you at the supermarket is a small gift: so is taking a minute to talk to someone who's sad. Kindness is more than doing things for other people, though. When you're kind to someone, you are stretching a set of mental or spiritual muscles, growing your own capacity for compassion. It’s a no-lose proposition.

Mental Health is Just as Important as Physical Health

Physical health is often expressed in glowing skin, bright eyes and a toned-up body. Mental health is an important component of physical health, because your mind and your body are inextricably linked. (Western medicine is still grappling with this mystery, but we don't need to.) Your mental health rests on your ability to be happy, on your having harmonious relationships and on your capacity for creative self-expression. There might be a few other things, but I think these are the most important ones.

If you're dealing with anxiety, depression or relationship problems, your quality of life will suffer until something can be done to change what ails you. There are a variety of ways to reduce mental suffering, and I'll name a few, but they all rely on your being willing and able to get help, and to try more than one method if the first one doesn't work. Making a commitment to your own peace of mind is the first step in changing your life for the better.

Some problems really can be alleviated with medications. A few problems can only be addressed with medications, so if you suffer from bipolar disorder, clinical depression, schizophrenia or debilitating anxiety, the chemical solution may be the best first step. If depression or anxiety has an underlying mind-based cause, such as traumatic memory or a recent loss, medication may relieve enough of the highly distressing symptoms to make it easier to get to therapy.

A good therapist can help you work through things that are keeping you stuck, and can be an excellent ally when you have problems with relationships or career issues. Working with a therapist is a good way to check out your beliefs about the world and about people, and to make changes in behavior and thought patterns that may be making you unhappy.

A vital part of mental health, spiritual health is infrequently addressed by doctors and therapists. Ignoring your need for quiet, for peaceful meditation, for pondering life's mysteries depletes your consciousness and impacts your mental health by increasing stress. Whether you believe in a particular religion or not, taking the time to consider and meet your spiritual needs is an important part of keeping your overall health.

Have Courage to Take Charge and Responsibility

Jean-Paul Sartre pointed out that you can't have true freedom without taking responsibility for your actions. In general, the existentialists turned out to be a pretty optimistic bunch, since they primarily opted to live after deciding that life is intrinsically meaningless. Great minds have said that the only thing that makes life meaningful is to live as though you have purpose, and (having a great mind of my own), I'm inclined to agree.

In the same way that it takes courage to keep plugging away at creating a meaningful life despite life's setbacks and intellectual red-herrings, working on your inner beauty takes some nerve. It's more difficult to build character than it is to get glossy hair, and there are no guarantees that building character makes life any easier or more pleasant. Courage (from the French word for "heart") means being willing take important risks. The risk is that inner beauty will, in the end matter more than outer beauty. I think it's a good risk, don’t you?

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Self Defence against Date Rape and Acquaintance Sexual Assault - Statistics say this happens to 1 in 6 women . . .

In an October 2002 statistics study at the University of Tennessee, 25% of college women surveyed are victims of rape or attempted rape. 84% of the women assaulted were raped by an acquaintance and 57% were considered date rape.

10-14% of rapes are between a husband and wife (also called marital rape). In many cases, alcohol or drugs has been used by either the assailant or the victim. Surprisingly, 10 percent of rape victims were male in 1999.
Facts about rape aggression and violence against women

In the USA, there is a rape every six minutes. A woman is beaten every 18 seconds; three to four million are battered every year. Three out of four women will be the victims of at least one violent crime during their lifetime.

When and where do rapes and assaults happen?

Perhaps you think sexual assault happens only in certain high-risk situations such as hitchhiking, walking alone at night, or sparse home invasions. When you are wearing casual clothing, or dresses, skirts, and high heeled shoes, there is no clothing that you can wear to keep them away. Sexual assault also takes place in ordinary, seemingly safe places. In fact, about one-third of all rapes occur in or near the victim's residence. About one-half of rapes are by first or casual dates. Rape violence and rape self defence need to be an important subject of study for every woman.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Your Guide to Masturbation

Masturbation is the self-stimulation of the genitals to achieve sexual arousal and pleasure, usually to the point of orgasm (sexual climax). It is commonly done by touching, stroking, or massaging the penis or clitoris until an orgasm is achieved. Some women also use stimulation of the vagina to masturbate or use "sex toys," such as a vibrator.

Who Masturbates?

Just about everybody. Masturbation is a very common behavior, even among people who have sexual relations with a partner. In one national study, 95% of males and 89% of females reported that they have masturbated. Masturbation is the first sexual act experienced by most males and females. In young children, masturbation is a normal part of the growing child's exploration of his or her body. Most people continue to masturbate in adulthood, and many do so throughout their lives.

Why Do People Masturbate?

In addition to feeling good, masturbation is a good way of relieving the sexual tension that can build up over time, especially for people without partners or whose partners are not willing or available for sex. 

Masturbation also is a safe sexual alternative for people who wish to avoid pregnancy and the dangers of sexually transmitted diseases. It also is necessary when a man must give a semen sample for infertility testing or for sperm donation. When sexual dysfunction is present in an adult, masturbation may be prescribed by a sex therapist to allow a person to experience an orgasm (often in women) or to delay its arrival (often in men).

Is Masturbation Normal?

While it once was regarded as a perversion and a sign of a mental problem, masturbation now is regarded as a normal, healthy sexual activity that is pleasant, fulfilling, acceptable, and safe. It is a good way to experience sexual pleasure and can be done throughout life.

Masturbation is only considered a problem when it inhibits sexual activity with a partner, is done in public, or causes significant distress to the person. It may cause distress if it is done compulsively and/or interferes with daily life and activities.

Is Masturbation Harmful?

In general, the medical community considers masturbation to be a natural and harmless expression of sexuality for both men and women. It does not cause any physical injury or harm to the body, and can be performed in moderation throughout a person's lifetime as a part of normal sexual behavior. Some cultures and religions oppose the use of masturbation or even label it as sinful. This can lead to guilt or shame about the behaviour.

Some experts suggest that masturbation can actually improve sexual health and relationships. By exploring your own body through masturbation, you can determine what is erotically pleasing to you and can share this with your partner. Some partners use mutual masturbation to discover techniques for a more satisfying sexual relationship and to add to their mutual intimacy.


Beautiful women

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Tips to write a romantic letter

Love and romance makes us want to express our feelings in a poetic way and what better way to do than write a romantic love letter to our beloved. Even in the hustle bustle of the digital age, when we have phones, SMS, emails, e-cards etc. to communicate with that special person in our life, nothing can beat the charm of a love letter.

Romantic letters have been sent by the greatest poets since time immemorial; it captures the pining and longings of the heart and conveys what a lover goes through when his beloved is not near him. Even today, we can write love letters to add that special touch, expressing passion, desire and yearning, showering compliments or sheer poetry.

Romantic letters may be short or long, funny or poetic; they can be addressed to one’s spouse, fiancĂ©, or girlfriend or boyfriend. Whatever be the format, it should ooze love and express the lover’s feelings in a beautiful way.

Since romantic love letters express a person’s feelings for his beloved, we have to write it in such a way that it moves her and touches her heart. There are no fixed rules of writing a love letter and it depends on the person’s likes and dislikes. But these tips can be helpful:

Be poetic: There must be a difference between how you normally express yourself and what you write in a love letter. Hence you can be more elaborate or verbose and write in beautiful details, complimenting her and showering her with your feelings

Use quotes: Using your own quotes or those from famous movies, poems add that extra magic to a love letter and help you, especially when you don’t know how to begin and what to write.

Be original: No matter what you quote or add, remember your lover loves you for what you are, so always have that originality which will make you stand out from others.

Acknowledgement: Sample letters

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Ideas to get a man into the mood

Getting a man into a mood to make love is not a difficult task as men love to see visual stuffs and that alone can excite a man. There are many ways to excite a man as each individual has his own fantasies, likes and dislikes. But trying simple ideas to get a man horny is possible for a woman. So, here are ideas to make a man horny.

Ideas to make a man horny:

Visually: As men are visual creatures, they get attracted to sensual visuals. Try some sensual act like a dirty dance in front of him to appeal a man. Use sensual techniques as men love it.

Strip tease: This is a commonly used idea to make a man horny. Try a slow strip tease for greater impact! Men love to see a woman in such a situation. If you try to strip tease, use your imagination freely. A sensual dance or a song can be followed together to get him in a mood to make love.

Gestures: Sucking your lips in a sensual way while playing a romantic song in the background is fun. To raise the mood to make love, wear a sensual lingerie.

Reveal: A small view of your cleavage works wonders if you want to excite a man. Showing your legs in a short dress is also a common idea to make a man horny.

Be naughty: If you are in a mood for lovemaking but outside like for a dinner, you can get him excited for a session before returning home. Try touching him and his sensual body parts to prepare him for an orgasm!
Feel yourself: Try to feel yourself sensually in front of him. Pull your dress to show your cleavage and feel your body. Try to get close to him and feel him too. Don't let him touch you. The control will end up wild!

Try these ideas to make a man horny and enjoy the orgasm!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Arousing Tips To Turn Her On!

Do you always feel like making love to your woman and often find her not very interested as you are? Well, it is the same case with every couple as all women differ from men when it comes to arousal ways. Today, we shall discuss on how men can arouse women with these quick foreplay ideas. Take a look.

It is very rare for women to reach orgasm in less than 25 minutes as men hardly understand the sexual behaviour of women. Foreplay as all couples know, is an extremely important part of lovemaking. Men and women need to arouse, attain orgasm and end with a highly pleasurable climax.

The reason why most women cannot get high with the usual foreplay is because they require time to get turned on. As women are always used as a machine of enjoyment they always wouldn't liked to be treated as one but instead like being patiently pampered, loved and pleasurised.

Men should never make a mistake of skipping the arousal techniques as their partner may show disinterest by climax making it frustrating and confusing. Here are some arousing tips to arouse woman for making the entire act a heavenly experience.

Top 4 Arousing Tips -

1. Whispering – To make her understand your sexual desire, whisper a few words that she would love to hear it from you. Giggle and tickle her with naughty phrases, kiss, sweet pinch, love bites can all unwrap the deep hidden sexual desires of your woman.

2. Kissing – Kiss can play a big role in a quick foreplay. Deep tongue kissing can start the action and this way it will show her that you are made only for her. The connection gets stronger and the rest falls in place easily.

3. Massage – Massaging is one of the best arousing tips as it can bring bigger difference while starting with the act. Warm breath, licking and kissing can add to the love massage even more.

4. Making Out Tips – While making out, choose the right place as sometimes a car, a couch can make the entire experience unimaginably exciting. The dark, confined places add more to the act than the usual.