Thursday, May 31, 2012

How to really love your wife

Listen to her

That means, opening up your ears and being perceptive to your wife’s needs.

Appreciate her

When was the last time you told your wife how much you really appreciate her and all the things she does?

Make your wife feel good about what she is and all that she does.

Please her sexually

There is a difference between having sex and making love. Make love in the afternoon or early morning. Love your wife with wisdom and start pleasing the woman you married.

Be More Helpful

Be more helpful by “asking” your wife if there is anything she needs you to do around the house, in the kitchen, or in the yard. She will be pleased that you did.

Be the Man of the House

Be her man and she’ll want to be your woman.

Share your feelings with your wife and get close with her. If you have emotions that are not getting met, talk to your wife about it. A wife wants to be there for her husband but if you don’t let your wife in, how can she help?

If you want a feminine, sexy and kind wife, then don’t try and control her to be what you want her to be. What you can do though, is control yourself to behave a certain way that makes your wife want to submit to your loving influence.

Love your wife with wisdom and with all your heart.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Lovemaking to show love?

Life after marriage is a little serious as responsibilities start from the day one. With this learning process, love is tightly wrapped in the heart as the couple feel that there is still time to share feelings.

 But life is too short and love needs to be a part so what may be the best to express it other than physical intimacy? Now, the couple are legally bond so lovemaking can be their daily routine.
With marriage both men and women are assured that they will be for each other so love can happen any anytime. A hot scene on TV can turn the couple on, a silly cat fight can become a move to get close and the household work can put a foundation to build a love network.
 Love is in the air after marriage, any time can be the time to make love. Men tend to dress as less as possible when they are at home while women wouldn't mind shelling out money for fancy night wears.
 Women try to get tips from the experienced to spice the romance between them and their husband. They wear fragrant products to set the mood for the day.
 After marriage, love needs no materialistic things such as greeting cards or sweets but learning lovemaking techniques (the new positions, tricks and ideas) is what couples expect. They even gift each other lingerie, flavoured condoms or even Viagra to get the utmost pleasure.
 The 'married' always want lovemaking to be a way to present love and not to see it as a task. As long as the couple enjoy each other, the bonding is strong and the understanding levels are also high so lovemaking is indeed the best way to express love after marriage.