Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Tips to be Sexy

We all wish to be sexy, to be desired by someone, to attract Mr. Right. However, what does it take to be sexy?

Here are a few tips:

Dress sexy: Dressing sexy does not mean being sleazy. It means being sexy and mysterious. A great example would a woman wearing a short and sassy suit. Her legs are showing wonderfully in that short suit skirt, but it leaves the mystery everywhere else. If you decide to show your legs off, try not to show too much cleavage. If you want to show your cleavage off, then remember not to show too much leg. High-heeled boots and shoes are also very sexy and seductive.

Smell sexy:  Wear a perfume that will be sure to make an unforgettable impression when you walk by the person you want to attract. People are very much in touch with their sense of smell and therefore will probably follow your trail if you smell great!

Use some hypnotic power: Use your hypnotic power to get the attention of the person you want. Your hypnotic power is located in your eyes. You can use it by giving them a mysterious look that introduces who you are, without having to speak.

Show mysterious confidence:  There is nothing sexier and seductive than a person who is confident and mysterious about it. Keep in mind to carry yourself with sureness and direction. Give a little acknowledgement that you know he exists by catching them staring at you. Then smile and continue with whatever it is you are doing. This will make you mysterious and confident in yourself. When you are a mystery and have clear direction in your life, people is sure to follow.

Remember; do not make the mistake to be sexy only when you try to get someone’s attention. Stay sexy, even after getting into a relationship. It is actually the most important time to bring out your sexy side because it will help the relationship remain hot, spicy, and interesting. So keep dressing the part, leaving your mark, talking the talk, acting the act and being yourself.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Happy Dreams Snack

If you feel the need of a before-bedtime snack, confine this as much as possible to protein foods and fruits. For example, you may have buttermilk, yoghurt, leftover meat, fresh fruit, a slice of cheese, etc.

A very splendid sleep-including “nightcap” can be made by warming ¾ glass of buttermilk, adding ¼ glass of fruit juice, a little honey, and skim milk powder – and thoroughly whipping. It is most delicious – while being nutritionally valuable.

Friday, January 27, 2012

What Is Sleep Apnea?

Chronic Sleep Apnea is a condition in which one actually quits breathing for short episodes during sleep.

The condition is easily diagnosed by doctors trained in sleep disorders, by simply going to a sleep clinic. Some signs and symptoms include; loud snoring with moments of complete silence; a “snorting” sound with abrupt wakening; feeling exhausted even after you have slept for several hours; lack of concentration; and even falling asleep during the day while driving or on the job. This condition can be life threatening and is treatable.

For more information check with your family doctor and you may check out the National Sleep Foundation's website.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

How to increase the volume of your hair

It is a fact that your hair is the secret to looking more feminine and graceful. When it is in great health, long hair is preferred.

However, whether your hair is long or short, you can make it look beautiful by adding more volume to your hairdo. To get added volume, try spraying a little dry shampoo into your roots and use large hot rollers before you style your hair. Both of these tricks will help you gain more volume.

However, if you still do not get the volume you crave, purchase a few hair extensions at your local beauty store to help you instantly get the height you desire.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

How to be Sensual

1. Your lips are a great asset; use it! Either suck the lips or bite the lower lip with teeth as a sensual gesture. For more sensual affect, apply Red lipstick is always a winner – it makes the lips look glossy, juicy and fuller. Sexy red lips are appealing to the eyes.

2. Your body language is a tell-tale of your comfort levels. It is important to relax and keep the body language flexible. The correct body language is a sensual gesture to show signs of physical affection.

3. Show off that beautiful cleavage in a deep V-neck top or dress. Remember, breast size does not matter! This will excite your man and bring him close to you! However, never be slutty – whatever you show, let be still feminine.

4. Play with your hair, whether it long or short hair. This is most commonly used sensual gesture to attract a man. You can simply play with the strands of your hair and get his attention. This also impresses a man and makes him fall for you. Wet hair can add more appeal to the sensual expression. This is mainly because men love wet hair of women and the water drops falling on the shoulders can drive them crazy in seconds!


Friday, January 20, 2012

The Beauty of Falling in Love

Whether you are old or young, the euphoria of love eventually hits everyone. Moreover, when it hits you, it is the most beautiful thing. ‘Love, love, changes everything’!

Love is like a volcano. Hot, steamy, and ready to cause some explosions. When two people are in love, there is a virtual explosion of adrenalin-like chemistry rushing through the body.

When we fall in love, different hormones and neurotransmitters are triggered from the lower part of the cerebellum to the frontal cortex of the brain. It is almost as if a volcano has awoken from its dormant state. The feeling of euphoria, wooziness, butterflies in your stomach, and hot flushes, as well as sweaty palms, can all be blamed on the neurotransmitter, dopamine.

Simply staring into someone’s eyes can spark a feeling of mutual attraction. A feeling of attraction is usually stimulated by sight, smell, hearing, or touch. Generally, men produce noradrenalin and dopamine far more quickly than women do. Men just have stronger visual perceptions when it comes to pretty women. This explains why some men, but not all, may look at many other parts of a woman, before looking at her face.

For many people, there are specific things that make other people attractive to them:

Appearance – facial features, hair colour, eye colour, and skin colour, all form part of the chemical process of love and attraction. Many people even look at your dress sense. There is no accounting for taste.

Pheromones – this is the part where we behave like animals. Many are attracted to a specific scent, often a scent that we would not think we would recognise. Natural pheromones are produced in human sweat. However, today, most of us make use artificial pheromones, such as that bottle perfume, or baby powder. Many women are attracted to others because of their smell.

Personality – a person’s character plays a large role in love. People tend to be attracted to those who have a similar character to our parents. Personality traits that could be appealing could be a dry sense of humour, honesty, diligence, and responsibility.

However, forget the ‘science’ of love just for a while – just be yourself and go out for that magic spell of love – it will change your world – Love is Beautiful!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

What Are Soul Mates

Love at first sight is a myth - your eyes only see the similarity to a favourite movie star or novel hero. It is the time you spend together, where you share your innermost secrets, that builds the bonds of soul mates.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Three Tips How to be Irresistible for Men

To be irresistible for men, does not need big things or to go overboard. It is small things, which are within reach of every woman.

 1. Smile and be friendly. A smile can soften every man, but your whole face must smile and nothing is more attractive than eyes that are smiling – listen to the words of the song ‘When Irish Eyes are Smiling’.

2. Show off your feminity. Every woman is born with an implanted blue print for feminity. You must unlock this code and activate your feminity. It is how to pose, walk, and talk sit, act, smell, and dress.

3. Men do not only want a Prima Donna or physical attractive woman. They also are attracted by woman who are well-read and that can be also communicate well.

How to Feel Good About Yourself

Engage in an exercise program: It will not only tone up your body, you will feel much better about yourself. Any physical activity will be great – even if it is just a 20 minute brisk walking a day.

Change your clothes: Shop for clothes that make you look more lively and cheerful. Choose colors that go well with your skin and hair colour.

Invest in high-quality lingerie: Do not be too worried if it is too risqué. You will feel great when you wear it.  

Spend more time in front of the mirror: Dress up in your favourite outfits and admire your body in front of the mirror. Just because you have small front, it does not mean that you should not look at yourself in the mirror. Notice, in particular, those assets of your body that stand out, whether it is your hair, eyes, or rear.

Read inspirational books to develop your self-esteem.   

Remember, you are woman – be proud!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Watch out for food additives

Whether we like it or not, various substances are added to the food, we buy to make it look more attractive or last longer. Many of these additives are unhealthy ones. Many processed foods are heavily salted or have a lot of sugar in them. If we eat too much salt, we can retain water and develop high blood pressure, which in turn can cause heart disease. Too much sugar is bad for our teeth and can lead to diabetes and other blood-sugar imbalances.

Sometimes a yellow colouring called tartrazine is added to make foods look more attractive. Tartrazine can cause children to become hyperactive. Food with tartrazine has to be clearly labelled, but other additives are not always obvious. For example, anabolic steroids (extra hormones, which can be dangerous) are given to cows, sheep, and chickens to make them more ‘meaty’.

The labels on tins and packets of food list all kinds of strange chemicals. Some people are allergic to specific food additives, so it is a good idea to avoid foods that are crammed with additives and chemicals.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Tips for a Happy Relationship

Here are some good tips for a happier relationship with people:

1. Always consider other people’s feelings - empathy is definitely not overrated. Most of the problems with relationships are emotional in nature. Being sensitive to the needs and feelings of other people around you will cause a marked improvement in your dealings with them.

2. Always have an open mind - no one likes shallow, narrow-minded people. Keeping an open mind is a great way to actually turn a potentially troublesome argument into a more productive and even fun debate.

3. You have one mouth and two rears; so, listen more than you talk - it's a sad but true fact that most people have the tendency to run off at the mouth. We say things without thinking about it first and only realize in retrospect that we might have phrased things differently, or perhaps should have kept our silence. By listening more than talking, you become both more receptive to other people's opinions and ideas, and give yourself more time to formulate appropriate responses.

4. A sense of humour is one of the best attributes you could have - if you can make people laugh, it goes a long way towards smoothing over relationships with them You do not need to be a comedian, just know how to laugh and how to make people laugh and have fun.

5. Treat everyone with respect - most people have this preconceived notion that respect must be earned. This is actually an arrogant standpoint that is at the root of many relationship troubles. Respect, rather, should be freely given to others, no matter their point of view and standing, and only retracted when people do something that goes directly and irrevocably against your own personal view of what is right.

6. Do not be self-centred The world does not revolve around you, and if you act like it does, then people will most likely leave you to your own little world where you can happily be by yourself.

7. Life is give and take. Remember that other people want the same things you do, and you can work with them to help each other achieve your goals.

Inner beauty

Saturday, January 14, 2012

How to stop a cold in its track

1. Take 3 g  of vitamin C immediately and then 2 g every four hours (or three times a day) until symptoms subside. Alternatively, mix 6 g of vitamin C powder in fruit juice diluted with water and drink throughout the day. Some people prefer to use calcium ascorbate, a less acidic from of vitamin C.

2. Supplement other immune-boosting nutrients, especially vitamins A and E, selenium and zinc.

3. Eat lightly, preferably relying mainly on fruits and vegetables, including foods rich in vitamins A and C, for example carrots, beetroot, green peppers and  citrus fruit. Avoid mucus- forming and fatty foods, i.e. meat, eggs, and milk products. These make your lymph limp - and lymphatic fluid is the main transport system for immune cells, which carry invading viruses to lymph nodes for future punishment.

4. Avoid all alcohol, cigarettes, tea, and coffee. Drink plenty of water and herb teas.

5. Boost your immunity with herbs. Drink two cups of cat’s claw tea a day, have 15 drops of Echinacea tincture twice a day, and , if you have flu or a severe cold, also have a dessertspoon of Sambucol (elderberry extract) four times a day.

6. Take it easy. Do everything slowly and avoid stress. Get some rest and plenty of sleep.

7.  If you think you have won the battle, wait at least 24 hours before reducing the vitamins down to 1 g of vitamin C three times a day, and one immune-boosting vitamin and mineral supplement in the morning. Once you have been well for three days, go back to your normal supplement programme.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Important health tips for the everyday woman

Here are some general, but yet important health tips for the everyday woman.

 Primarily for good health is eating healthy and right. Eating five servings of vegetables and fruits with diet having less saturated fat can help you in maintaining health as well as reduces the cancer risk.

Physical exercise is very important for women. Adult women should exercise for at least thirty minutes each day. It does not require money but what is requires is the will and commitment to do it. Start with some light walking and jogging or try out more fun ways like dancing, gardening and swimming.

Quit smoking for a good health today.

Periodical health check-ups can reduce risk of many diseases and gives you mental satisfaction that you are healthy and hearty. These routine check-ups and examination include blood pressure checks, check-ups for cholesterol, diabetes, STDs, cancer of skin, breast, and cervix

Stress is root cause of many health problems when it comes to women. You can manage stress by involving in stress busting activities at home and work. Try it and you will be very relieved. There are chances that you might suffer from some hereditary problems, which run in your ancestors and parents. Moreover, sometimes you are subjected to many diseases because of the work environment, job profile, and lifestyle.

Being aware about your health condition is very important for protecting yourself from health threats. These are various ways, which can help women in maintaining good health and leading a happy life.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Water – the great healer!

Water composes the major proportion of all living things, including the human body. The right water balance in the body is essential for the healthy circulation of blood, the function of every cell in the body, and the maintenance of correct osmotic pressure and electrolyte balance.

Water in food and drink is necessary to bulk out stools and prevent constipation, and to flush wastes and toxins out through the skin and urinary system. Plenty of water to drink is vital during a fever, or in diarrhoea and vomiting, to prevent dehydration. After a heavy drinking session, flush your system with as much water as possible to avoid a hangover. Hot water sipped slowly will often relieve hiccoughs, indigestion, and wind, and a drink of water when feeling faint can act as stimulant to the heart. “Hard” water, containing dissolved calcium and magnesium salts may protect against heart disease.

Bathing in varying temperatures of water, fresh or salt, is a stimulating experience for the whole body, improving the function of the skin and helping it to eliminate wastes via the pores. Cold baths stimulate the lungs and circulation, increase vitality, enhance resistance to infection by increasing the white blood cell count, an even aid fertility by raising sex hormone levels.

Tepid baths, on the other hand, are used therapeutically for 30 minutes to raise low blood pressure and calm nerves. Warm baths relieve muscle tension, aching, and cystitis, and are very relaxing and restring. Avoid over-hot baths as they stress the heart and increase the pulse. Steam, however, when inhaled, is excellent for sore throats and laryngitis, and is often the best cure for croup.

Tip: A good way to wake yourself up in the morning is to take a cold bath. Then dry yourself vigorously and dress quickly, and you should feel a warm afterglow. Not recommended for the sick, old, or very young. 

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Give your hair some fruit!

For the ultimate hair conditioner mash up a ripe mango with 1 tablespoon of plain yogurt and two egg yolks. Blend the ingredients together and then work the mixture into your hair. Cover your head and let set for 20 minutes. Finally shampoo your hair thoroughly and voila! Soft shiny hair.

Friday, January 6, 2012

The mighty carrot

Carrots are an excellent restorative food if you are feeling run down or convalescing, and for correcting nutritional deficiency, such as anaemia, and keeping tooth decay at bay. Highly nutritious, carrots are rich in vitamins A, B, and C, Beta-carotene, and in iron, calcium, potassium, and sodium.

Carrots have long been associated with sharp eyesight, but are also famed for regulating intestinal activity and relieving constipation and diarrhoea. Carrots stimulate the appetite and can relieve wind, colic, intestinal infections, peptic ulcers, and hemorrhoids.

A carrot juice fast for one or two days is a great detoxifying therapy for the liver. Carrots’ diuretic effect relieves fluid retention and soothes cystitis. They help counter the formation of kidney stones, and relieve arthritis and gout.

Their expectorant properties help expel mucus from the chest in coughs, bronchitis, and asthma, while the antiseptic effect helps resolve infections. Research has confirmed carrots’ folk use as a circulatory remedy, protecting against arterial and heart disease, preventing hardening of the arteries, an increasing haemoglobin and red blood cell counts. Eating two or three carrots, a day can lower blood cholesterol by more than 10 per cent. Beta-carotene has been shown to inhibit cancer, particularly that related to smoking, and the antioxidants hep to slow ageing.

You can use grated raw carrot in a poultice, as an antiseptic, and to speed healing of wounds, varicose ulcers, burns, whitlows, boils, abscesses, and styes. Carrot broth can heal chilblains and chapped skin, sooth itching from eczema, and treat impetigo and cold sores.

Here is a quick carrot soup recipe:

Boil 0.5 kg (1 lb.) of fresh carrots in 1 litre (1.75 pints) water until soft, and then blend.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Join the mushroom movement!

Mushrooms have been known as a meat substitute for about as long as vegetarianism has been a mainstream lifestyle choice. But mushrooms are so much more!

They are packed with B vitamins, fibre, iron and other essential nutrients. They are high in antioxidants, low in fat and salt, and their GI (glycaemic Index) count is so low it is off the charts. This means that, even though you are eating less fat (and fewer kilojoules), you are just as full for just as long. The lower fat content also means that mushrooms are great for slimmers. Eating just 20 mushroom meals, instead of lean beef, cam result in a loss of as much kg in body fat. In addition, unlike most meal substitutes, the mushroom is far from boring. There are many different varieties, bringing different tastes and textures to every meal and opening a completely new world of experimentation.

It seems that the mushroom can do no wrong. An 80g serving of mushrooms not only counts as a meat substitute, but also counts towards your 5-a- day veggie quota. The mushroom is so marvellous in fact, that it has just been cladded as a Super food! In addition, to top it all off, mushrooms are easy on the pocket, too. 

So what are you waiting for? Join the mushroom movement today!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Love hurts

It hurts to love someone and not to be loved in return, but is more painful to love someone and never find the courage to let that person know how you feel. Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one so that when we finally meet the right person, we will know how to be grateful for that gift!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Weight gain does not have to be a side effect of quitting smoking if you follow a few simple methods to keep you both slim and healthy. Here are some things you can do to prevent unnecessary weight gain, courtesy of the American Heart Association and Health Day:

Choose healthy foods for meals and snacks - low-fat and low-calorie foods, and plenty of fruits and vegetables;
Drink plenty of water; get regular exercise - it will keep you busy and reduce stress;
Snack if you feel the urge to have something in your mouth, but stick to crunchy fruits and vegetables or sugar-free gum;
Brush your teeth frequently so that you have a fresh, clean taste in your mouth that you do not want to ruin with smoke;
Stay busy - try knitting, crossword puzzles, writing letters, reading a book or playing a new sport. 
Remember, be strong, and do not give in to any cravings – even the craving for a few pull off a cigarette!

Woman, beautiful woman!


My Freelancer

Monday, January 2, 2012

How do you define success?

"To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; to leave the world a little better; whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is the meaning of success."

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sunday, January 1, 2012

People who are prone to back pain

There is several ‘high risk’ occupations associated with a painful back. If you fall into any of them, take extra care:

Manual Workers:  About 22 per cent of miners, furniture removers, construction workers, Dockers and other manual workers are regular sufferers.

Nurses:  About 17 per cent of nurses – who regularly have to lift bedridden patients, an vary an bend in their work- are stricken each year.

Office workers: Typists and computer operators are prone, because they often use badly designed chairs that do not give enough support to the small of the back, an so encourage the operatives to slouch.

Drivers: Long distance truck drivers, tractor drivers, and those who spend a lot of time behind the wheel are liable to get lower back pain due to poor posture and the vibration they experience in their vehicles.

Homemakers and mothers:  Bending to make beds, cleaning, lifting, and carrying babies and small children frequently cause back problems. Many women start getting back pain during pregnancy. 

Athletes: Any sport that involves vigorous activity (for example, football, tennis o squash), or one that makes great use of a particular set of muscles (for example, weightlifting or golf), can put undue strain on the back.

The elderly: The older you are, the less supple your joints and muscles are likely to be. Back pain and stiffness may result –and there is a risk of OSTEOPOROSIS developing.