Saturday, December 31, 2011

Eat more to weigh less!

If you want to lose weight permanently, eating several small meals throughout the day to help you with this.
Try to eat a small meal consisting of protein, fat, and complex carbohydrate. An example would be:

For breakfast: 1 hardboiled egg, and an orange.

10 am snack:  Have a can of tuna on toast.

For lunch:  A chicken breast and any vegetable.

2 pm snack:  Have a protein shake.

For dinner:  A chicken breast and vegetable.

9 pm snack: Have some celery and peanut butter.

Getting the idea? Eat less, more times a time and avoid sugar, bread, pasta, salt, but not fat.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Self-help for anxiety

Everyone needs to feel anxious at some time or another – anxiety causes a reaction, which pumps the hormone stimulant adrenaline into the system. It spurs people to do challenging and uncongenial tasks and prepares them to cope adequately with difficult situations.

What is not desirable is for anxiety to become a problem - for normal temporary feelings of uncertainty, worry, or fear to eventually become a persistent or uncontrollable state of mind.

Normal anxiety usually has a cause of which you are aware – for example, an important interview or a test of some kind may be looming up. But anxiety can become a problem when worry or apprehension is experienced for no apparent reason, or is much worse than the situation warrants.

Although anxiety is an emotional state, it can induce physical symptoms that are not all in the mind- PAIN (particularly in the head, chest, abdomen, and back), INSOMNIA, muscular TENSION, and DIZZINESS. Often there is NAUSEA and VOMITING. DIARRHOEA or frequent urinating. The sufferer may show signs of panic such as SWEATING PALPITATIONS and abnormally deep breathing, or feel tired, weak, and listless. Generally, the symptoms disappear when there is no longer a reason to be anxious. Yet some people suffer from recurrent attacks over a period of years – an illness known as chronic anxiety.

Here are some self-help tips:

Stick to a daily routine: Set and keep times for work, meals, and leisure. Being better organised will help you to feel better.

Adopt a positive attitude: Be kind – but not indulgent – to yourself, and think constructively about solving your problems rather than focusing on worries.

Keep active and busy: Spending free time on physical activities such as aerobics or running, or on outdoor pursuits such as gardening, will cheer you up considerably and take your mind off worries.

Try helping others: Your own problems will soon seem less important.

Give your full attention to whatever you are doing: However humdrum the task, learn to value the present, rather than worry about the future.

See a doctor or alternative practitioner about any physical symptoms: Then at least the symptoms themselves will not add to your concerns.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

We must have friends

It is a known fact that women are good at making friends easily. They can build up relations faster than males as they do not hesitate and are more than happy to have a large number of friends. Women do not take long to make friends even when they pass their teens. They are more open and talkative and thus have no difficulty in enlarging their circle of friends.

When it comes to males, it seems they are more reserved and not much interested in developing a friendship circle. Generally, men have difficulty in developing male friends, it is only their school and college friends they are friendly with, and it is occasionally they meet them. They seem to enjoy life less when it comes to spending time with male friends.

All people should create a circle of friends and not wait for their old school or college friends to come and spend some time with them. It is also important to make friends where they are working. It is necessary to spend some time with your friends. It makes you feel fresh and lively as you have a different kind of enjoyment with your friends. This kind of enjoyment is important for a healthy relationship with people because when free from stress, a person gets a change from the regular routine and may also listening to his or her friends to get some insight regarding the worth of a relationship.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Avoiding allergens

Avoidance is the most effective way to deal with an allergy, but it is not always easy. However, there are precautions:

Check food labels: Choose fresh, unprocessed foods; if you suspect food additives, read labels carefully, and avoid those additives as far as you can.

Choose household products with care: When using detergents, particularly biological detergents, take extra care. Rinse your washing thoroughly. Wear rubber gloves when using any household cleaners or chemicals. Keep notes of what you use, and a process of elimination may help.

Vacuum frequently: To get rid of dust mites and prevent a build-up of animal hairs, vacuum daily.

Change your garden: Few people are driven to such desperate lengths, but if your hay fever is troublesome, you could try paving over the lawn and growing non-flowering foliage plants. This will not, of course, prevent pollen drifting from your neighbours’ gardens, but some hay fever sufferers say that their weekends have been made bearable by such action.

If your efforts to avoid or eliminate the allergen have failed or are impracticable, the solution is to treat the symptoms. Remember that most allergens are, in themselves, harmless. It is your body’s response, not the allergen that does the damage, so coming into contact with the offending substance will not hurt you a ling a you can control your reaction to it.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

How to care for your breasts

Here are some simple steps to maintain beautiful and well-formed breasts:

Whilst showering, direct a stream of fresh water on your breasts for a minute or two. It is a magical tonic for your breasts’ tissues. The cold water stimulates blood circulation and metabolism. Remember that repeated warm baths may loosen the skin.

Keep the skin of your breasts moisturized and hydrated since it is rather poor in sebaceous glands. Once a week, exfoliate the skin with a tender scrub, like the one you would use for your face. A mixture of sugar and sweet oil also works well.

Maintain a healthy weight. A fluctuation in weight can stretch the breast tissue and cause unwanted sagging!
Beware of the sun, as it dries the skin reducing its elasticity.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Reasons for Extreme Exhaustion

Many people suffer from extreme exhaustion, which may have something to do with your diet. If you are chronically exhausted, keep in mind that there are many different physical and psychological factors, and it is vital to have a full medical examination as a first step in trying to counteract this debilitating condition.

Some of the physical causes that may underlie chronic tiredness and the role that dietary changes can bring about are:

·         Malfunction of the thyroid gland
·         Malfunction of other glands– such as menopause
·         Anaemia’s
·         Blood sugar level problems– such as diabetes, reactive hypoglycaemia (a tendency to produce too much insulin)

Patients who suffer from any one of the above-mentioned blood sugar level problems may constantly feel tired because their brains and body tissues are starved of glucose.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

We must have friends

It is a known fact that women are good at making friends easily. They can build up relations faster than males as they do not hesitate and are more than happy to have a large number of friends. Women do not take long to make friends even when they pass their teens. They are more open and talkative and thus have no difficulty in enlarging their circle of friends.

When it comes to males, it seems they are more reserved and not much interested in developing a friendship circle. Generally, men have difficulty in developing male friends, it is only their school and college friends they are friendly with, and it is occasionally they meet them. They seem to enjoy life less when it comes to spending time with male friends.

All people should create a circle of friends and not wait for their old school or college friends to come and spend some time with them. It is also important to make friends where they are working. It is necessary to spend some time with your friends. It makes you feel fresh and lively as you have a different kind of enjoyment with your friends. This kind of enjoyment is important for a healthy relationship with people because when free from stress, a person gets a change from the regular routine and may also listening to his or her friends to get some insight regarding the worth of a relationship.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Healthy eating out tips

When on diet or just motivated to eat healthy, many people try to avoid eating out. Sometimes people are even forced to eat out due to business, social and other work-related reasons.

No need to stress about eating out or eating ‘unhealthy’ dishes just for keeping up the pretences not to embarrass or insult guests or business partners.

By choosing wisely and correctly, you can still eat out and even eat healthier than at home. Here is some tips:

Starters and light meals

·         Chose salads with no dressing or mayonnaise
·         Avoid bacon, croutons, and cheeses. Smoked chicken, smoked salmon, tuna or seafood, Greek, etc. are good alternatives.
·         Enjoy stock-based soups or thick vegetable soups with no cream garnish.
·         Fruit cocktails, melon balls or fruit platters are very healthy

Main course

·         Try to avoid combination dishes such as lasagna or mousaka because such dishes are often made with sauces, which are usually high in fat. Order plain separate food items, such as grilled fish, baked potato and steamed vegetables.
·         Pastas with tomato-based sauce are advisable.
·         Order your pizza with half the cheese or even with no cheese - have toppings like tomato (fresh or sun-dried), onion, green pepper, garlic, chili, mushrooms, asparagus, ham, pineapple, banana, chicken,  sprinkling of feta, spinach, olives, egg, tuna, anchovies, seafood. Best is to avoid salami, bacon, sausage, mince and cheese. A sprinkling of feta with the above fillings and no mozzarella is very tasty.
·         Steak is good, but then it must be plain – no sauces. Best is to choose a fillet, sirloin or T-bone rather than a rump. It is often a good idea to order the ladies’ portion
·         Choose grilled or poached fish rather than a fish in a batter and have the white, lower fat fish like hake, sole, etc. rather than the oily fish like salmon, mackerel, etc. Grilled seafood is also a good option without the mayonnaise’s or tartar sauce.
·         Vegetarian food is generally very healthy but is often fried or covered in cheese sauces. Ask questions and try to avoid oily, fatty cheeses!
·         Go for steamed rice, baked or steamed vegetables instead of chips, fried rice or roast potatoes with your meal. Avoid sauces and gravies
·         Sushi is a popular low fat option.


The following can be recommended:

·         Cappuccino with a milk froth (skimmed or low fat preferably)
·         Crème caramel
·         Frozen yogurt
·         Fruit salad with yoghurt
·         Sorbet or low fat ice cream

Just as at home, you can even manage the sizes of the portions on your plate – it is your money and any restaurant will honour your requests.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Romance your man!

Romance does not have to be all flowers and expensive dinners, but about showing each other how much you care and spending quality time together.

Romance is important as it keeps couples connected and shows your partner that you are thinking about them. Making you a cup of tea in the morning, buying you your favourite chocolate bar, or putting your washing away may seem like mundane actions but they all show that he cares and wants to do nice things for you.

Lead by example and take the responsibility for a putting a bit of romance back into your relationship. Cook him a nice meal, run yourselves a candlelit bath or give him a backrub after a long day at work.
The main thing is that men want to lead – so, lead him!

Men aren't mind readers - much as we'd like them to be - so you need to tell them what you want. Do not make it confrontational but open up the conversation by asking what you could do to make him feel more wanted/loved/appreciated.

The best way to get someone to change his or her behaviour is by setting an example of what you would like done. Do something romantic for him - that he would like not just, what you want - and he will be more inspired to reciprocate.

Everyone likes to be complimented so make sure your man knows how pleased you are when he makes romantic gesture.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

What does the word 'Christmas' means?

The modern English word Christmas comes from the Old English Christes Maesse (Christ Mass), the name of the service of Holy Communion that commemorates Christ's birth. Familiar names for Christmas from other languages, such as the Spanish Navidad and the French Noël, are derived from the Latin, Dies Natalis, "Day of the Birth." 

Computer Jokes
Love quotes
Make some time
Beautiful women

Monday, December 12, 2011

Oatmeal Honey Scrubbing Cream

For firm and resilient skin

What you need:

• ½ cup uncooked oatmeal
• 1 tbsp. Honey
• 1 tbsp. Cider vinegar
• 1 tsp. Ground almonds

How to prepare:

1. Place oats and almonds in food processor and whirl until mixture is a fine powder.

2. Combine all in a glass or enamel bowl.

To Use:

Steam your face or lay warm washcloth on face for 1 min. Apply mixture to your face being careful to avoid the sensitive area around eyes. Let dry on skin completely. If your skin is young and firm, you can gently rub dried mixture off with a clean terry washcloth or towel. Lean over sink and rub face in brisk but gentle circles with the cloth. Rinse with warm water, pat dry and apply your favourite moisturizer.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

The keys to beauty

Here are the six broad areas that will cover your beauty needs:

Hair.: A good haircut and styling can make your whole look. Our society is multicultural, so we have a mixed definition of beautiful hair. Companies are now producing hair care products that are tailored to every type of hair. Whether you have curly, frizzy, straight, oily, or dry hair there is a hair care product line for you. There are hair colouring treatments, hair straightening treatments and perm products that available to take home. Even the men have colouring treatments to hide their grey hairs.

Men tend to have it easy when it comes to hair since most of them have shorter haircuts that do not require too much maintenance, but there is a huge demand for products related to hair loss. Even though hair loss affects women, genetically men deal with this challenge the most.

Skin: Is beauty synonymous with youth? If you look at skin care, you would definitely think so. As we age we lose moisture in our skin but the beauty of the skin can be restored by products that slough off the old skin cells and apply nanotechnology to penetrate the skin.

Fitness: True beauty does not mean you have to be razor thin but being fit and active is the cornerstone to a healthy body. Though dieting and weight loss get a lot of attention getting into a regular exercise routine will help you define the look of your body. Depending on your age and health, you can be as aggressive as you want in defining your exercise and fitness goals.

Cosmetics: Makeup can be used to enhance a person's appearance. As we age we definitely need that 'concealer' that we hardly used in our youth. Cosmetics can be a great tool to highlight our face but they can be very expensive and, in the wrong hands, can actually detract from our appearance, so use them wisely.

Nail care: Within the last 10 years, we have definitely seen a jump in the amount of nail salons. They cannot be missed at your local mall. Manicures and pedicures definitely can make you feel beautiful and pampered. The hands, in particular, stand out in your everyday interaction with others. Are you more apt to remember someone with a great manicure or not?

Fashion: Is it too late to wear white? 'Boot cut' or 'straight cut' jeans? Every morning we have to decide how and whether what we wear will affect how others think we look. We get our cues from the latest magazines and what people are wearing on our favourite shows. The creative among us can define their own styles.

If you want to look and feel beautiful, be sure to focus on these six keys to beauty and how they relate to you. Some of us may need more help in one area than another depending on what nature gave us, but we should always make the most of the beauty assets we have been given.

Burnout alert

Feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and emotional? Find out if you are heading for a burnout disaster.

Stress is part and parcel of modern life but if you don't manage it properly it has the potential to wreak havoc and may eventually lead to a clinical condition referred to as burnout.

Burnout is more than just being tired. In most cases of burnout, the body manifests some or other disease because the mind has been overwhelmed and stressed for a long period of time. This stress build up can happen over months or sometimes even years and the results are feelings of powerlessness and hopelessness. Burnout is a total physical, mental, and emotional energy drainer.

Exhaustion vs. burnout

We are all likely to suffer from exhaustion at some point in our lives. Unlike burnout, exhaustion is a physical condition that inadvertently influences your mental state of mind. Most driven people suffer from exhaustion because they want to do more than what the body is capable of. In most cases, exhaustion is caused by factors such as long working hours, being up at night with a sick child, or having an emotionally draining argument. In such instances when the person has enough rest and sleep, preferably over a whole weekend, their energy levels are restored to normal.

Burnout on the other hand is more debilitating and can trigger volatile behaviour. The main symptom of burnout is constant and unabated fatigue but it is coupled with feelings of worthlessness, lack of acknowledgement at work or at home, anxiety and generally being overwhelmed by life's challenges.

Burnout candidates

While just about anybody who feels like they're carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders can suffer from burnout, there are some people who are more prone to it. Healthcare workers and police officers who have intense and emotionally charged working environments are very susceptible to burnout because of the continually stressful nature of their work. Burnout people are most frequently people with an A-type personality: ambitious, driven, strive too much for perfection and expect everything to be done their way. These personality types are more susceptible to burnout because they often feel disappointment that they are not rewarded for their efforts.


There is no quick fix when it comes to burnout and treatment is often a multi-pronged approach that involves serious lifestyle changes, such as exercising, changing your diet and intense therapy or counselling. It is important to get psychological help to enable the brain to form new neurological paths. This adjustment will bring about a different response to the way the person handles situations. Burnout people, must learn to become pro-active instead of reactive, which results in impulsive behaviour towards challenges and stress that will lead them right back down the burnout route.

Positive self-talk and a positive support structure is an important part of the healing process. It is also important for people in recovery to get fresh air and exercise, and find time and space to recharge their batteries.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Headache and Your Bra?

They may look sexy and slip in just right under your slinkiest evening dresses, but bras with thin straps could cause headaches and lead to serious nerve damage.

Physicians at UT South-western Medical Centre at Dallas say wearing thin bra straps too tightly is dangerous for women. If a strap is so tight that it digs into the shoulder, it puts downward pressure on the cervical nerve. The cervical nerve runs from the neck to the shoulder and is an important component of the nerve system. Damaging it can cause frequent headaches, neck pain or numbness. Over time, it can cause pain that radiates from the shoulder all the way down the arms and into the hands.

Tight bra straps are especially hazardous for full-busted women, but all women are susceptible. Swimsuits with spaghetti straps and shoulder-strap purses worn for several hours at a time are other culprits.

The solution is to find a good-fitting undergarment, say UT South-western physicians. Shop for support bras with wide straps. This distributes the weight more evenly.

So the next time you get a headache -- check your bra.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Signs that you are stressed

There are many signs of stress that warn us that we are stressed but it seems few people know about these signs or they just do not care!

 Here are a few, as well as tips on how to deal with them:

1. If you are yawning a lot but actually don’t feel sleepy, you could be breathing shallowly, causing your body to trigger a yawn to get the oxygen it needs. Relax and take some deep breaths.

2. A hormonal result of stress is that a person can sweat excessively, especially under the arms. This can cause another problem – bad body odour. Shower daily, deodorants and learn to deal with stress.

3. Many people use stimulants such as tobacco, caffeine, and particularly alcohol to cope with stress. The problem with nicotine is that it kills you. The problem with alcohol and caffeine is that it is not good for your blood sugar levels, which in turn affects your concentration and moods. Limit the consumption of caffeinated drinks – remember that many soft drinks contain lots of it. Drink water steadily throughout the day. And please, stop smoking!

4. When a person is stressed, the muscles contract and a person can end up feeling strained. The back muscles are particularly prone to this, and those in the lower back can go into spasm. Ease the muscle pain by doing some squats, resting the arms on the knees. Hold for ten seconds.

5. If you tend to hunch over your keyboard, telephone or steering wheel, your neck muscles will tense up, which can lead to stiffness and – eventually – headaches. Put your hand on your opposite shoulder, feel for tender spots with your fingertips, and massage steadily. Take a long, warm bath containing oils such as arnica massage oil, or a few drops of chamomile and lavender oil.

6. Prolonged stress weakens the immune system, making your scalp more vulnerable to the nasty fungi that produce dandruff. Towel-dry your hair rather than blow-drying it, which dries the skin; go easy on the anti-dandruff shampoo, which is potent and can dry the scalp, leading to more dandruff; mix some baby shampoo with your regular shampoo a few times each week; or add a few drops of lavender and tea tree oil to your shampoo, or rinse your hair in some lukewarm water containing the oils.

7. Stress can cause an imbalance in the chemicals in your body, which makes your leg muscles jump. At night, take a couple of magnesium phosphate tissue salt tablets.

Take it easy on yourself – take note of the signs of stress and deal with the symptoms. However, most important, deal with the causes of stress in your life!

Friday, September 30, 2011

Avoid these exercises during pregnancy

If you were active before your pregnancy, here's the good news: there's no reason why you should stop exercising now. A moderate amount of exercise is good for both you and your baby. Note, however, that certain physical activities should be avoided.

Avoid the following: being too active during hot weather; steam rooms, hot tubs and saunas; physical activities that call for you to lie flat on your back, such as certain yoga poses; contact sports such as football and boxing; and activities that make you jump or change direction quickly, such as tennis or netball.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Top Five Ways to Sharpen Your Sense of Humour

If you want to have more fulfilling relationships you might want to consider sharpening your sense of humour as a great place to start.

1. Cultivate an atmosphere of humour and laughter

Begin to cultivate an atmosphere of humour and laughter in your relationships by focussing on the funny things in life and enjoying the laughter they evoke. Soon you will be seeing humour all over and enjoying it fully.

2. Associate with fun-loving people

If you don't laugh as much as you used to and want to correct the situation start associating with humorous, fun loving people and avoid the kill joys of life.

3. Learn to laugh at yourself

If you don't laugh at yourself other will do it for you. So many people are unable to laugh at themselves because of their own insecurities and fears. They are afraid to look foolish in the eyes of others and appear to be incompetent.

4. Make a habit of collecting jokes

Collect cartoons and jokes and put them on display for all to see and enjoy. Remember, there is plenty of good clean humour to go around. Keep the humour clean.

5. Use humour to neutralize conflict

Learn how to be witty. When things get tense use wit or humour to brighten things up. Humour can let the biggest bully crack a smile or even burst out in laughter.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

6 Tips for Better Time Management

The simple, unpleasant truth is that we are probably busier than we ever have been. Notwithstanding the fact that little science backs up this notion, the anecdotal evidence is overwhelming.

"You can see it all around us," says Jana Jasper, a New York-based productivity expert and author of Take Back Your Time. "People talk too fast. We're always in a rush. We start things and don't finish them and are constantly nagged by the idea that we've forgotten to do something, but we're not sure what it is."

That people awash in labor- and time-saving devices, from robotic vacuum cleaners to microwave ovens to computers, would feel so harried so often seems counterintuitive. But what technology gives, it also takes away.

"As we have increased the numbers of time-saving devices and products to make our lives easier we have found ways to fill the time," says Tracy Lyn Moland a time management consultant and author of Mom Management, Managing Mom Before Everybody Else. And a chronic lack of time leads to stress.

But the time-management experts we spoke to all say that it is possible to reduce stress. Think about it as adding an extra hour to your day through time-management techniques.

Something as simple as "knowing where your keys are in the morning, knowing where your kid's library book or homework is, will reduce a lot of stress," says Moland. She has a number of time management tips.

Make a Time Diary

Take a week and plot out what you do every day. Be honest. If you watch 25 hours of TV each week, write it down.

"This is a painful awakening for most people," says Jana Jasper. "You have to include everything --- gym time, eating, driving, weekly meetings, all of it. It can be upsetting to see how little unstructured time we allow ourselves. But it's difficult to make intelligent decisions about using your time more effectively if you don't know what you're doing with your time now."

Learn to Say "No"

Turn off your cell phone and beeper. When someone asks you to do something that you really don't have time to do, say so, politely, but firmly. And don't allow yourself to feel guilty.

"One reason we are feeling so busy all the time is that we are worse at setting personal boundaries around what we'll say 'no' to," says Jana Kemp, founder and president of Meeting & Management Essentials, a time-management consultancy in Boise, Idaho.

Part of declining to do things, is focusing on your goals, Kemp explains. Your time diary can help in this regard. Once you've blocked time for important, but often not scheduled activities, sign on for only those things that are important, family, friends and health. Once you know exactly what you have time to do, turning down things that don't fit into your priorities is easier.

Time-Based, To-Do List

"Create a to-do list that includes how much time you'll spend on each item on the list," says Moland. Lists are always helpful, but when you add how much time each task should take, it helps prioritize how you go about the tasks. When you prioritize tasks you naturally focus on those that you can do immediately.

Let Your Computer Help

Technology helped get you into the time bind in the first place, so use it to help get you out. Try some of the many personal scheduling software programs that allow you to keep a calendar, "to-do' lists, and phone and address books on your computer.

"It's not enough to be efficient anymore," said Jasper. "The goal here is to use the technology to get rid of all the paper in your life. I can't stress enough how important this is."

Much of organizing, these experts say, comes from streamlining your life. The more clutter you have in your life -- phone numbers on slips of paper, business cards in notebooks, a desk piled high with calendars and lists -- the more likely you are to waste time trying to stay organized and on top of things.


Is there a more overused buzzword today? We all combine several activities into one all the time. Some multitasking is dangerous. Talk on the phone while driving and your chances of being involved in a traffic accident rise dramatically. That being said, lots of activities can be effectively and safely combined. Listen to books on tape while commuting. When you watch television, pay your bills.

"Women are better able to multitask than men," said Moland. "Even if both partners work full time, the woman usually is able to still think about the children's schedule, the home, the meals. Men are better able to focus in on one task at a time -- and women can learn from this at times."

Don't Be a Perfectionist

There's nothing wrong with being ordinary. Perfectionism, otherwise known as paying excessive attention to every detail, important or not, is a kind of procrastination.

"Set rational goals for yourself," says Jasper. "It's a fine thing to strive to be your best. It's counter productive to try to be the very best."

Setting unattainable expectations of yourself just adds stress to your life, Kemp explains.

Reward Yourself

Finally, don't let any progress, however small, go unrewarded.

"Use your time diary to make decisions about how you want to organize your time better," said Jasper. "As you make progress in prioritizing and saying 'no,' let yourself enjoy that. It doesn't have to be a big reward, maybe it can be as simple as spending some time by yourself or getting a massage. It's important to acknowledge and enjoy your success."

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Do Men Love Foreplay Like Women?

It is often believed that only women love foreplay. Is it true? Well the answer is No. Even men crave for foreplay and the moves which women do to drive them crazy. Men love to fantasize and this is what makes them crazy for foreplay. The oral love which a woman gives to a man makes him more excited to make love. Lets check out what moves woman does to excite a man.

Foreplay men love and the moves woman makes:

1. Men love to watch visuals. When a woman tries to excite a man, she tries some wild moves which makes the man go crazy in seconds.

2. Wearing sensual outfits especially lingerie is a sign of sensuality which excites the man fall for her.

3. One of the woman moves which drives a man crazy is talking dirty. The way she talk and asks for orgasm makes the man feel good and wanted.

4. The way of undressing and feeling the man's body makes the foreplay erotic for the couple.

5. Men love striptease. Try to striptease and make it erotic. Add music and create ambiance as a man loves such a move of woman.

6. Men love to enjoy foreplay. A hand job can make it good to enjoy male orgasm but men crave for mouth job which is seldom liked by women.

7. Even a sign of making love by the woman by texting or mailing is a nice move which men love.

8. Appreciating the actions and moves of the man also encourages to do more!

9. If the woman wears or does anything which her man likes also drives a man crazy. It helps stretch foreplay.
10. Footsie is flirtatious and intimate. This is a nice sign of sensuality to give the hint of making love. Try it on a man and see the magic of footsie move of a woman.

These 10 points makes a men love foreplay as the moves woman makes can add more to the orgasm 

By Amrisha

Monday, September 26, 2011

Failing erections may indicate heart problems

Impotence could be a harbinger of heart disease in some men, according to a meta-analysis published .

But another study out today suggests heart-healthy lifestyle changes or cholesterol-lowering drugs could have a positive effect on men's sexual health.

Scientists have known about the link between erectile dysfunction and heart health for years. Although unproven, a common theory is that arteries supplying the penis with blood during erections may become clogged earlier than those in the heart, thus providing an early warning of possible coronary artery disease.

To investigate the connection between the two, Jia-Yi Dong of Soochow University in Suzhou, China, and colleagues pooled data from 12 studies of impotence and heart disease involving nearly 37,000 men.

They found that men with erectile problems had a 48% increase in their risk of developing heart disease. Those men also had higher mortality rates than men who didn't have sexual problems.

Traditional risk factors such as smoking, obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure didn't explain the link, the Chinese team reports in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.

That strengthens the case that impotence, when it isn't due to partnership problems or other psychological issues, is a risk factor for heart disease in its own right.

Lifestyle changes improve problems

In the other study, published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, a review of earlier work found that both lifestyle changes and statins appeared to improve men's erectile problems – although only a little.

Men who exercised more or were put on a Mediterranean diet rich in whole grain, fruits, vegetables, nuts and olive oil, for instance, reported a 2.4-point improvement on a 25-point scale of erectile problems.

Those taking statins saw a similar improvement of 3.1 points, according to Dr Bhanu Gupta and colleagues of the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. The results are based on six trials with 740 participants.

While that improvement might not be meaningful for all men, the researchers say, their findings "strengthen existing knowledge that healthy dietary habits and increased physical activity are important components of health to improve quality of life in men by improving sexual health".

They add that lifestyle changes appear to work, regardless of whether men are taking sildenafil (Viagra) or not.

(Reuters Health, September 2011)  

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Is She Attracted to You?

Many guys wonder whether women are attracted to them, mainly because women are much more subtle than guys when it comes to showing their attraction towards someone. However, once you know the secrets, spotting the signs is easy. Just one of these actions is enough to act on; more than one - then go for it! Here are the ways women may show that they like you:

1. When She Wants to Speak to You:

·      She will point her feet in your direction when standing up.
·      She may smile, or look away embarrassed, when holding eye contact.
·      She jerks her leg in your direction if sitting down with legs crossed.
·      She adjusts her posture - sitting up straighter and holding in her belly.
·      She faces you with her hips/legs towards you while sitting.
·      She opens up her body language to you while standing.
·      She brushes up against you unnecessarily when she passes.
·      She looks at you twice before approach.
·      She touches her hair when she notices you.
If you receive any of these gestures, definitely move in and begin conversation with her. The next aim is to move the interaction along to a point where the girl actually wants to continue pursuing a conversation with you. This may happen instantly, or it could take a while. If you have jumped straight in without any of the above signals, look for some of the below to know if she is interested.

2. If She is Interested in Extending the Interaction:

·      She asks your name.
·      She asks you other questions.
·      She responds with extended answers to your questions.
So those are the signs that she likes you enough to want to talk to you, but how can you tell if she actually wants to get physical with you?

3. If She is Sexually Attracted to You:

·      She strokes her neck when talking to you.
·      She gazes at your mouth.
·      She tilts head to the side when speaking to you.
·      Her pupils dilate.
·      She laughs at your jokes, even if they aren't funny.
·      She is happy listening to you even when you are talking nonsense.
·      She holds eye contact with you and doesn't look around the room or at her friends. (Note - if she is nervous and it is just not her character to hold strong eye contact, she could still be interested.)
·      She is doesn't mind you touching her and entering her space.
·      She is willing to leave her friends and stay with you.
·      She laughs and hits you on the shoulder when you tease her.
·      She looks at you in a dreamy way.
·      She asks if you're single.
·      She uses your name in conversation.
·      She leans in towards you.
Knowing the signs that a girl is attracted to us is very useful, as it not only tells you whether or not to make the move but also helps to avoid missing crucial opportunities. Your success rate with women will increase significantly, just by knowing how to read them.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Ten Ways to Keep Your Long Distance Relationship Steamy and Happy

They say that absence makes the heart grow fonder; but too much absence and a lack of creativity can be a messy combination for long distance lovers. Add busy careers, children, and ex-spouses to the mix and you have a recipe for disaster on your hands. But, for those of you who believe that love has no boundaries, there is still hope! With a little creativity, effort, and comfort with technology, you and your long distance lover will create an impenetrable bond that truly knows no boundaries.

Whether you have to fly 3000 miles or drive 3 hours to see your lover, one thing that is certain is that it takes much dedication to maintain a healthy long distance relationship that is fun and worthwhile. The dedication needed has to come from both partners and communication is the key to success. The following tips have helped me and others that I know to have successful long distance relationships, but is by no means exhaustive. Each relationship is unique and some things may work for some but not others.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Simple Facts About Falling In Love

We are meant to live a life of love. However, no matter how successful some are in other aspects of their lives, they don't feel it's realistic to have the same success in love.

But being in love is the most realistic thing you can do. It energizes your life, fills you with positivity, creates generosity and makes every moment beautiful. The body heals the heart is happy. The real question is, why aren't we in love all the time? What keeps it away?

The following steps will show you how easy it is to open your eyes and find love wherever you go.

The one right besides you

Most of the time we are searching for the right person and don't take a moment to stop and see who is right in front of our eyes.

Look at a person who is close to you right now, anyone it happens to be.
Notice the ways in which you push him away. Stop doing that.
Allow the two of you to be together in whatever way you are.
Do the same thing tomorrow with someone else.
We dismiss so many people who are in our worlds, while waiting for the "right one" to appear. The more we can be "right" with everyone, the sooner we'll find just what we're looking for.

Playing at love

So many complain that they are not loved. The reason for this is they are so busy playing games their partner never knows who they really are.

Notice what games you play in relationships, and what games you demand others play. See if you are in love with the person, or with the game you are both playing right now.
Become aware of the difference between who you are and the games you play. Let the games and be who you are. Who you are is always loveable. Itâ€s the games that get in the way.

Letting him come and letting him go

One obstacle to falling in love is the tendency to hold on to what is wrong. We grasp and cling to whatever we have, preventing the right one from coming to us.
When someone comes into your life (or day) practice letting him come.
Enjoy him/her for whoever he is.

When it is time for a person to go, practice letting him go. Do not turn this into an experience of rejection or loss. It is simply time for him to go.
Do this with yourself as well. Let yourself come and go freely, not tying yourself in chains. The more we free others and ourselves, the more easily we fall in love.

Putting your baggage down

Many feel that love is not possible unless all their demands are met. They can be quite amazed to discover that these demands don't lead to happiness. They may even be obstacles to falling in love.

Take a look at what you feel is absolutely necessary in relationships. Realize this is baggage you are carrying that may be keeping all kinds of people and possibilities away.

Let one of these demands subside. At first let it go for just one day. (Remember you can always take it back again). Now try another day. The more you do this the more lighter and happier you will feel. And the more space you will make for all kinds of new people, possibilities and situations to come your way.

Giving gifts

What gifts do you give others in relationships? And what do you hope to receive in return? It's important to give openly as well as to receive.
Find something new you can give to somebody. Give it. Do this everyday. It does not have to be fancy or expensive. Do this with all kinds of different people. Do it quietly without fanfare and without expecting something in return.
Do this with yourself as well. Each day take a moment to find out what kind of gift you would like today. (A walk in the park, new lipstick, time with someone you care for.) Give this to yourself each day. Although this exercise is simple, it is extremely powerful. Doing this daily in your relationship can turn everything around. By living with this open, generous mind, all kinds of other gifts come to you naturally.

Making friends with yourself

Many say they are lonely, even with a partner at their side. This is simply because they have not yet made friends with themselves. Once they make friends with themselves and are able to be who they are, loneliness disappears.

Make friends with yourself. Spend time noticing who you are. Accept all parts of yourself. Stop judging and rejecting what is going on inside. Understand you are perfect just as you are. Then choose to do the same in relationships. Choose to have relationships with those who want and appreciate just what you are.

by Dr. Brenda Shoshanna