Monday, January 31, 2011

Six Body Language Signs

1. Arm Crossing

When a woman crosses her arms over her chest, it can be interpreted in a number of ways by a guy. It can telegraph the message that she's a vulnerable female creature, an innocent little lamb who feels the need to protect herself from the Big Bad Wolf!

But arm crossing is also a way of telling a guy that you don't like him at all and that your fondest wish at the moment is that he'll go away.

Crossing your arms over your chest is also a sneaky way of drawing attention to your breasts.

2. Leaning Toward Him

The most common form of this is leaning forward when you're sitting across from him. This gesture shows interest and acceptance. In short, it means you just think he's the funniest, cutest, most fascinating creature put on the face of this earth.

If you find yourself leaning away from him, you're either telling him you hate his guts or you're working overtime to not let him know you're all hot and bothered for him.

3. Leg Crossing

Leg crossing can be interpreted as a nervous or provocative gesture. Lots of people unconsciously cross and uncross their legs when they're anxious. If you're doing this, the man will correctly intuit that he's somehow "getting" to you. In other words, it's a dead giveaway to the guy that he's unsettled you and his energy has thrown off your equilibrium. On the other hand, if you're deliberately crossing your legs to show off your sexy gams, or deliberately pointing your top leg in his direction, it means you like him a lot. If you can't stop crossing your legs and you're virtually twitching in your seat, again this is an unconscious gesture that clearly tells a man that he's really getting to you.

3. Hair Twirling

Toying with your hair is a sure sign of nervousness. If you find yourself doing this, take a moment to ask yourself why this guy is making you nervous.

Hair twirling can also be a playful gesture. Women with long hair tend to play with their hair. Hair is sexy and twirling and tossing it draws a man's eye to it. But beware: Many guys say it really bugs them when women keep playing with their hair. Talk about sending the wrong message! What some women think is sexy is a major turnoff to some guys.

5. Lip Licking

This is purely physiological. Forget what they say about "drooling" over a hot guy. When we're aroused and excited, our mouths get dry. If you find yourself licking your lips a lot in the company of a new man, it means that something about him is really getting to you. Watch out!

6. Flared Nostrils

This is the mother of all body language signals! Flared nostrils are an irrefutable sign of sexual arousal. If your nostrils are flaring, your nipples are probably hard, too.

Flirting with the Camera photo by Ivan Berezitsky

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Home is where the Heart is

Home is where the heart is but it needs not to be a place where the chatter of the television is the way in which to beat boredom.

You as a family can beat the boredom and make long evenings actually short enjoyable evenings. The institution of family games nights may become a new tradition. All you have to do is to swap the remote control for a board game of two.

If spending some quality fun time with the family is important for you ensure that everyone is on board. They must clear their diaries for that one special evening once a week to be there. Although board games are also a very good socialising event where friends and neighbours could be invited to, make sure that the family night is only about you and your loved ones.  Like the Seekers sang many a time: “close the door, light a lamp, we’re staying home tonight”. Let the phones go to voice mail as the entire family joins in the action without distractions.

Ensure everyone can enjoy playing the selected game by assigning members of the family to choose the desired game for the evening. You can also share the duties of being in charge of the night so that everyone gets a turn to create the event. Important, vary the games you play. It does not really matter what you play, as long as everyone can feel like a participant. But balance games of skill with games of luck so that everyone gets a chance to do something they are good at.

Family games night is a great time to reinforce things like manners, being a good sport, taking turns and other social skills that children will need as they grow up and go out into the world. This can all be done with good humour in the context of the game and it gives children a chance to practice positive behaviour and very important to build a sound camaraderie between siblings.

Playing games is a great way to beat boredom and get away from television or computer games and to be together with each other. Oh, and mom, do not forget the snacks. Keep a balance by also including some health snacks.

It may not only be board games but also card games and for instance dominoes. The secret is, all family members should be able to participate at the same time.



Saturday, January 29, 2011

10 Basic Health Tips

Life is tough and life is busy. Not everyone has the time to spend hours on their health every day.

Water: Often fatigue and depression are caused by dehydration. Most people do not drink enough water. You should have at least six to eight glasses every day. Remember that coffee and fizzy drinks and alcohol don't count – they actually dehydrate you.

An apple a day: Your body needs fruit and vegetables every day. And no, the slice of onion on the hamburger is not enough. Keep some apples or bananas at work and get into a habit of nibbling them rather than eating chips off the trolley.

Caffeine cadenza: Watch those endless bottomless cups of coffee. A cup or two can do little harm, but when you start doing four or five, it could wreak havoc with your blood pressure and sleeping patterns.

Cheers: Have a drink or two, but having more on a regular basis is simply not good for you. It dehydrates you and depletes your body's vitamin reserves. Never drink on an empty stomach. And make it a rule to drink a glass of water for every drink you've had. Your liver will be very grateful.

Walk: If it's six blocks to work, get into a habit of walking. If that's not possible, get into a habit of climbing a few floors to work rather than taking the lift. Don't drive to the shop on the corner, take a walk.

Get a rage outlet: Life can be frustrating and every now and then you could feel like you're going to explode. Rather than take it out on your family or on colleagues or other motorists, go running. Or go to the gym or take up kickboxing. Anything to get the juices flowing.

Be a quitter: If you smoke, chances are high you will either get lung cancer or emphysema. Don't do this to yourself and your family. Nicotine is one of the most powerful addictive substances around. This is the reason why it is difficult to quit. Do whatever it takes.

One for the road: Not a good idea. A major portion of road accidents and injuries can be ascribed to drinking and driving. Even if you don't get injured, think of how difficult it may be to live with the consequences of injuring someone else.

Don't harbor grudges: If you have things eating at you, keeping you awake at night and absorbing your energy, do something about them. Talk to someone - it won't kill you to see a therapist – and get rid of these feelings before they turn inwards and do real damage to your insides. Prolonged unhappiness or depression is often a precursor to serious illness.

Get enough sleep: Sometimes this is not possible, but make a point of trying to go to bed at more or less the same time every night. Your body likes routine and will reward you for it. Most people need about seven hours in order to function properly.

Acknowledgement: Susan Erasmus

The Versatile Soya Bean

Friday, January 28, 2011

Sexy Pajamas and You

If you’re like most of us, you sleep in something along the lines of a comfortable t-shirt and a pair of sweats.

Give yourself a little pick-me-up with cute and sexy nighties, and wear them around the house just for kicks. Try a baby-doll or a strappy silk confection that clearly wasn’t meant to be slept in.

Silk pajamas are fun for lounging, and even an old-fashioned embroidered cotton nightgown can put you in a different frame of mind. As you’re getting into bed, swap your play-clothes for — you guessed it — that comfy T-shirt and those soft, old sweats.


Thursday, January 27, 2011

Six keys to beauty

1. Hair

A good haircut and styling can make your whole look. Our society is multicultural, so we have a mixed definition of beautiful hair. Companies are now producing hair care products that are tailored to every type of hair. Whether you have curly, frizzy, straight, oily or dry hair there is a hair care product line for you. There are hair colouring treatments, hair straightening treatments and perm products that available to take home. Even the men have colouring treatments to hide their grey hairs.

Men tend to have it easy when it comes to hair since most of them have shorter haircuts that don't require too much maintenance, but there is a huge demand for products related to hair loss. Even though hair loss affects women, genetically men deal with this challenge the most.

2. Skin

Is beauty synonymous with youth? If you look at skin care you would definitely think so. As we age we lose moisture in our skin but the beauty of the skin can be restored by products that slough off the old skin cells and apply nanotechnology to penetrate the skin.

3. Fitness

True beauty does not mean you have to be razor thin but being fit and active is the cornerstone to a healthy body. Though dieting and weight loss get a lot of attention getting into a regular exercise routine will help you define the look of your body. Depending on your age and health, you can be as aggressive as you want in defining your exercise and fitness goals.

4. Cosmetics

Makeup can be used to enhance a person's appearance. As we age we definitely need that 'concealer' that we hardly used in our youth. Cosmetics can be a great tool to highlight our face but they can be very expensive and, in the wrong hands, can actually detract from our appearance, so use them wisely.

5. Nail care

Within the last 10 years we have definitely seen a jump in the amount of nail salons. They can't be missed at your local mall. Manicures and pedicures definitely can make you feel beautiful and pampered. The hands, in particular, stand out in your everyday interaction with others. Are you more apt to remember someone with a great manicure or not?

6. Fashion

Is it too late to wear white? 'Boot cut' or 'straight cut' jeans? Every morning we have to decide how and whether what we wear will affect how others think we look. We get our cues from the latest magazines and what people are wearing on our favourite shows. The creative among us can define their own styles.

If you want to look and feel beautiful, be sure to focus on these six keys to beauty and how they relate to you. Some of us may need more help in one area than another depending on what nature gave us, but we should always make the most of the beauty assets we have been given.


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

12 Rules for a Happy Marriage

  1. Never be both angry at the same time
  2. Never yell at each other, unless the house is on fire
  3. Remember, it takes two to make an argument – the one who is wrong will be doing most of the talking
  4. Yield to the wishes of the other – as an exercise in self-discipline, if you can’t think of a better reason
  5. If you have a choice between making yourself or your mate look good, choose your mate
  6. If you feel you must criticize, do it lovingly
  7. Never bring up a mistake of the past
  8. Neglect the world rather than each other
  9. Never let the day end without saying at least one complimentary thing to your mate
  10. Never meet without an affectionate greeting
  11. When you have made a mistake, talk it out and ask for forgiveness
  12. Never go to bed angry

Ann Landers

Friday, January 7, 2011

The Art of Seduction

The Art of Seduction - Seduce Your Man 
By Jayne Fisher

First, it's very important that you choose the right person to seduce. This is more a matter of instinct than anything else, but most of us at will attempt to make conversation, or at least some eye contact, with a potential partner whom we consider to be about as attractive as we feel we are. So, if you are not happy with the way you look and moreover who you are on the inside, then start there!
The thrill of seduction sometimes lies in the chase rather than the conquest. The excitement of wanting and pursuing someone can give a sense of satisfaction in itself - this is especially true for men. But those who thoroughly enjoy the chase are generally people with plenty of self-confidence and their belief in themselves increases the likelihood of success.
I suggest planning and setting up the time and the right place knowing you will be alone for some period of time. If the object of your passion is somebody you see on a regular basis, the time and the place being wrong may also very well add to the thrill. If you're getting the right feedback from him (flirting), the knowledge that that he is interested but that you can't do anything about it just yet can increase the feelings of arousal and excitement. Let them linger ...
Now - just how do you know that he's interested? Your best clues come from reading his body language. His body signals are far better indicators of how he feels about you than anything he may actually say verbally. The eyes are the biggest give-away when it comes to seduction of either sex. If he returns your gaze, and especially if he holds eye contact with you longer than you'd normally expect, then chances are he's quite interested. Trust your instincts and you'll 'feel' whether he's interested or not. Look for small gestures and tone of voice tell you a lot about what he feels towards you.
Flirt. Flirt. Flirt. Important - We flirt with others to remind our partner that we still need to be wooed by him, but when used for seduction, it's a means of keeping the other person interested and aroused, as well as letting them know that they are unlikely to be rejected. Men, who are generally the pursuers, are highly dependent on your signals to reassure them that they are 'onto something' good. And ladies, playing hard-to-get isn't particularly attractive to men unless you're sending out enough signals to assure him that you are 'gettable' and that the chase will be worth it in the end. Just beware that you may chase him away.
Once you've made it known that you are attracted to him, you'll need to let him know where the encounter is likely to be heading. People have very different ideas of what sex should be, so it's important that you both know that you're looking for the same things and headed in the same direction. The subtle approach is more likely to get you what you want. Remember, though, men generally take the lead in this area, even asking questions and trying to determine whether you'd make a satisfactory sex partner. Follow his lead. The questions probably won't be that direct (depending upon the man), but they will be based around 'self-disclosure'. He tells you some, you tell him some and this creates trust. Try discussing sex in a light-hearted, abstract manner when talking with a potential lover, testing each other in a non-committal way.
Two people, who may have been attracted to each other visually, may not have the right chemistry to move along the road of seduction. Once you've talked a little about it, does he still seem interested? Look for signs of acceptance or rejection (remember rejection could depend on many many things - perhaps you're just too much woman for him). If you pick up on any signs of rejection, don't waste your time on something that is very unlikely to happen, no matter how much you think you fancy him. The right man is out there just waiting to be seduced by you!
Surrender - If you're still doing fine and the signals are good, it's time to make your move. One of you must surrender. In all probability it will be you, because even if you initiated the seduction, he will probably have taken over the role of pursuer somewhere along the line. The roles of 'hunter' and 'prey' have been decided through thousands of years of evolution, and usually fall naturally into place.
Seduce, surrender and enjoy!