Thursday, May 19, 2011

How to Impress Your Boss

Making a positive impression is important when establishing any relationship. Impressing your boss is essential if you wish to be successful in the workplace. There are no shortcuts to making a lasting positive impression. Hard work, respect, and sincerity are key factors. You will be sure to impress a boss in any work setting by following these steps.
1.     Meet deadlines. An employee who delivers high quality products or services in a timely manner will always be on the boss's good side.
2.     Respect your boss's time. A good supervisor reduces red tape and provides employees with the tools they need to perform their jobs. This respects your time and contribution to the business. Your boss will be impressed if you return the favor and value their time as well. You can do this by asking "is this a good time?" before starting a discussion, combining small matters into a single conversation, and choosing email or a note to resolve a matter that isn't time sensitive and requires advance consideration.
3.     Bring solutions along with problems. When an unexpected problem arises and you need to consult with your boss, think of one or more solutions to the problem in advance of the meeting. Start the conversation by saying something like "I think I know the answer, but..." Briefly discuss the problem and offer your solutions as possibilities, not ultimatums. The boss will appreciate your ability to think for yourself and your respect for their opinion.
4.     Be positive. Employees expect the boss to maintain a positive attitude, even during stressful times. Bosses hope for, and are impressed by, employees who do the same. For every two complaints or suggestions for improvement you make to your boss, be sure to point out eight positive things. Avoid petty gripes entirely.
5.     Be sincere. No one enjoys being manipulated, especially your boss. Undeserved flattery, performance or behavior change near evaluation time, and feigned interest in the boss's family or extracurricular activities will not impress. Your boss will be pleased if you are honest and consistent in your performance and only ask a question when you are truly interested in the answer.
6.     Say thanks once in a while. All employees, including supervisors, appreciate recognition for a job well done. In many organizations, recognition systems are geared towards front line employees. Middle managers are often in the position of recommending awards, but rarely receive them. If this is the case in your organization, a well-timed thank you or small gesture is sure to be appreciated.

By Matt Heller

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

12 tips for happiness

Marriage is not for the faint-hearted. It takes hard work and commitment. This year, make sure you keep your relationship in tip-top condition. Here are 12 tips to help you make your marriage over:

  1. Always show respect and kindness towards each other. It's normal to have disagreements, but try not to use unkind words towards each other.
  1. Learn to communicate effectively and allow your partner to have different views without taking offence or making offensive remarks. Be gentle and tolerant with each other.
  1. Ensure that you set goals together and plan ahead – this includes a budget.
  1. Newlyweds need to learn to balance their time so that each has individual time as well as couple time.
  1. A new baby can really disrupt a relationship. Don't be afraid to ask for help from family or friends, or find a babysitter so that each person has personal time, and there is space in your schedule for couple time together. And don't forget that in the chaos a new baby brings, it is okay to have an untidy house.
  1. Do things together as much as possible. Each partner must have a life, but they must also spend a lot of it with their partner.
  1. Don't allow your marriage to become boring. Make sure you have fun time alone together, without children, family or friends. Don't take each other for granted. Give each other fun surprises. If you have fun outside the bedroom you are more likely to have fun inside the bedroom.
  1. Laugh often. Share jokes and recall funny situations. Laughter is a great connector and it's hard to stay angry when you're laughing.

  1. Share chores. This can become a problem when chores and child care are allocated according to tradition, and one person carries more of the load and resents it. The couple needs to negotiate so that both contribute fairly and equally.
  1. Stay faithful by expressing your needs and concerns to each other directly. Be open and honest, and put energy into your marriage. Solve problems in the marriage, not outside it.
  1. Children leaving the nest? One or both of you retiring? Look at it as an opportunity to rekindle your relationship and set new joint dreams and targets.
  1. Marriage counselling is recommended as soon as problems occur. The earlier these problems are addressed the easier it is to sort them out. Even if your partner refuses to go, it's important to go on your own to help you to cope.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

10 Ways to put passion back in the bedroom

Take a hot shower or bath together. When you are in the bath or shower, keep close physical contact. Wash each other and whisper in their ear the things you specifically love about making love to them.

Share a romantic dinner in front of the fireplace. Nothing speaks romance like sharing a meal in front of the glow of a burning fire. It's even better if you're nude or barely covered with lace and silk. Make sure the dinner you share is conducive to a romantic setting. Food that can easily be eaten with the least amount of utensils is usually your best bet!

Keep constant close physical contact when you are not at home. Keeping a sparked connection throughout the night is one of the most effective ways to keeping your partner passionate about you. A hand on their thigh, a whisper in their ear or a kiss on the neck is all great for reminding your partner what's waiting at home.

A long, passionate kiss. How often do you really just express your desire in a kiss? When you first start dating it's usually one of the only ways to express your desire. Refresh your kissing skills by every so often catching your partner off-guard with a weak-in-the-knees passionate kiss.

Leave a sexy note in the morning telling them to have nothing on, but the radio when you get home. They'll be thinking about it all day at work! Want to keep your partner's mind on you ALL day? Do this idea! You can even go a step further and tell them what's in store for them as well!

Feed each other sensually suggestive finger foods. The best way to feed each other? Naked, of course! Set the tone for an incredible lovemaking experience with a little forethought and some of their favourite tender treats.

Slow, sensual massage, complete with massage oil. If your hands slowly massaging every part of their body can't turn them on… well, you need more than these tips to jumpstart your sexual relationship! Create new sensations with the addition of props such as a feather, fur mitten or a metal chain.

Read your partner an erotic bedtime story. The best encounters are those we don't plan on. Tell your partner you'd like to read them a story. Without letting them see the book (maybe slip a book cover over it) begin to delight their ears with a sensual story made perfect for two!

Write a sexy letter describing everything you'd like to do to them. Sometimes it's difficult to actually speak out loud the things we enjoy about sex with our partner. Leave no doubts about your attraction and get them ready for some loving with a very in-depth description about what you enjoy doing to them!

Study a new sexual practice such as tantric sex or the Kama sutra together. Expand your sexual horizons and learn new ways to turn each other on. There are many, many sexual techniques you can learn or sexual practices to study. Get two books, one for each of you, on a particular subject relating to sex. Agree on a pre-determined time frame to be done with the books. On one agreed night, one partner will give a full body "report" on what they learned. On another night the other partner will do the same. Compare notes…

By Jennifer Good

Monday, May 16, 2011

10 Tips for the Ritzy Lady

These 10 sophisticated tips are secrets that fully aware women have perfected. Test them. They need to be well thought over and considered daily until you possess them. Never dismiss the potency of knowledge to get you what you want.

1. Cultivate mystique. Don't disclose private details or your past.

2. Be suggestive. Intensify his emotions without being open.

3. Be potentially available.

4. Learn poise - come out of every situation cool. Raw language and tantrums disclose your female inadequacies.

5. Leave them short. Men, being natural hunters, get bored when desserts are served as a first course.

6. You decide what you’re worth. Make certain that you have your own life - and live it!

7. Don’t be familiar. You don't want to be treated like an old pair of slippers. Let him have the pleasure of his own private life.

8. Grooming and etiquette are not out of date. I will add that, no matter what the fashion, there is absolutely nothing more alluring to a male's inner pull than a woman confident of her femininity.

9. Run your own financial life - be quietly rich. Personal management is smart.

10. Never take leftovers. You are not desperate or dependent.

The most important tip is to control your emotions, or your life will run away in far flung directions. You must ask the mirror each morning "What do I want?" and continue throughout the day steadfast with your blueprint.

Women who imagine poor standards for themselves often attempt to possess men with psychological handcuffs. They flash signals of their fears in cloying, smothering behaviour, such as snooping and persistent phone calls. Set aside these demands now. Do a mind map of your future. Jot this down: You will have no end of trouble if you deceive a man into marriage. His discontent will rear up nastily.

Your career and lifestyle must have your immediate attention. Seek mentors and associate with a new crowd of positive people who will encourage your confidence. Promise yourself a book a week.

Pursue knowledge in every key area of your blueprint, itemizing your steps to fulfilment. Replace the loop of wishing with doing. Vitality moves the slump. Change the stale energy by invoking the ancient art of Feng Shui. Don’t dwell on “rejections” by stuffing your emotions with chocolate and poisonous thoughts. There is no cure here. Pampering the mind is dangerous. Fluffy friends want you to remain part of the gang. Acting girlish to escape responsibility is silly, simplistic and dizzy. Study the media and popular opinion. Can you slip out of the leash and make some serious decisions? Sometime in your life you will realize that you must command your own ship.

Answer some questions. Who is taking your money? Can you cut your credit? An organized mind is vastly superior to a “happy mess”. Do you escape maturity by declaring yourself “hopeless” when you are truly lazy? Are you flattered when others refer to you as “dippy?” If he turns your dial does he get a cheap soapy? Is your blotchy past public property? Are you compelled to give everyone five minute updates on your diary? It’s time to become a woman.

If you are looking for a relationship with a man, don’t show yourself as emotionally hungry, and be careful to accept only your ideal man. By the way, there is no shortage of such wonderful men, but you must arrange for your life to happen.

By Esmerelda Jones

  Beautiful Women

Sunday, May 15, 2011

5 Romantic Ideas for Couples

It feels good for any couple to hold their anniversary the way they held their first date together and then you look back on the day when you were looking up for romantic ideas for couples to impress her. Romance is in the air every time they count the year that they have spent together so far and the promise of true and everlasting love becomes alive when planning a really romantic moment.

Celebrating love every year, you must be on the lookout for another exciting and surprising yet really romantic date for your better half. Being on a date several times, you might want to spare him or her one of those unique and romantic ideas for couples to make that person feel more special every day.

A Date on a Hot-Air Balloon – It sounds crazy and daring but very romantic. Take her on a field and tell her you will go star-gazing as usual when she or he asks why. And then she or he will be surely surprised to see a hot-air balloon waiting. Add a table for two inside with wine and a luscious dinner and make it a date she or he will never forget.

Nature-Tripping Together – Take your special someone to somewhere she has never been before; to a place deep in the forest where a table for two is set-up nicely. You can pretend to be Arwen and Aragorn dressed up like warriors and a princess to make it look more realistic. Aside from being close to nature, you get to live your fantasies together and give a different feel to your relationship.

Up on A Tree House – Invite him or her to spend the weekend on a tree house somewhere in a place where the view is romantically pleasing to the eye.

Romantic Road trip – Travelling together to any part of the state by car is one of the sweetest activities you can both do. This is like saying both of you will be together no matter where you go. Pack your things and brings foodstuff plus your camping paraphernalia so you can stop by a romantic spot and spend the night star-gazing, talking, laughing and singing among others.

Food Trip – If you barely have budget, be creative. You can cook his or her favorite delicacy. It would be even romantic if you let him or her know that you really exerted effort to learn how to prepare the dish just for him or her. You can either set it up in your own place or the other’s.

When you are in love with someone, it does not really matter where you go or what you do as long as you are next to the one person that inspires you the most. These five romantic ideas for couples however will add some spice to your ever growing relationship. This way you can keep the fire burning and the romance flickering like sunlight. Remember that doing romantic things together is the secret to keeping the love alive.

Chris Carter

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Become a sensual woman!

There is a common acceptance there that men love to look at women and women love to be admired by men. In fact, courtship is a regular topic of discussion at the dinner table.

One night, a large group of friends gathered for dinner. It was delicious! There was plenty of seafood, pasta, and wine. And conversation among the group never wavered. In fact, with each glass of wine, their topic of conversation grew more heated!

The peak of the discussion occurred when a 58-year old woman stood up and professed her beliefs on courtship:

 "The man must conquer the woman, not the other way around. A woman radiates in her features and as a result men are attracted to the sensual woman. Her sensuality is like a magnet. It allows her to CHOOSE the man SHE wants."

Wow! This woman was brave!

But, she is right. A woman's mould is distinctly different from that of a man's.

A woman naturally moves differently than a man. There is a distinct sway to her walk. There is a unique swerve to her silhouette. There is a delicate contour to her shoulder. There is a soft appearance to her neck.

As women, you should all embrace, enhance and celebrate your uniqueness.

But how can you accomplish this? Of course! With body language!

Body language allows you to speak without uttering a word. It is a language that anyone can understand and anyone can perfect.

Let’s take, for example, how you stand.

Would you like to look more advantageous and charming?

Practice these stances:

- Put your feet in the ballet third position (left heel against the instep of the right foot) while keeping the left knee bent and right leg straight.
- Settle into your right hip, which will make it stick out, so you can accentuate the curve of your waist.
- Rest your hand against your hipbone, so you can call attention to that area of your body.
- Suddenly, parts of you that was barely noticeable suddenly becomes quite appealing.

Something else to remember...wherever you are, don't just stand there!  When you stand in line at the bank or grocery store, go through your check list, keeping yourself occupied -  RADIATE!
To become a more sensual woman, you NEED to understand how body language can work to YOUR advantage.

Where do you begin?

You begin by learning how to use subtle movements and communication to make a man feel attracted to you. Because after all - He SHOULD try to conquer you, so YOU CAN CHOOSE the man YOU want.

If you haven't already done so, get started!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Ripe Red Lips

Wouldn't you like to have luscious, kissable red lips? A lot of women are afraid of painting their lips a bright, vivid red for various reasons, but mostly because they are not sure if they can wear red well.

But contrary to what a lot of women think, it is not that hard to put bright red lips on effectively and make it work for you. It is a matter of knowing how and what you should keep in mind when you do.

First, you should pick a shade of red that suits the colour of your skin. Take note that the paler your skin tone is, the bigger the red lipstick will make your lips look. If your skin has a pinkish tone, you should opt for plum reds. On the other hand, if you have yellowish tones on your skin, a red lipstick that looks warm and with a brown base would flatter your skin more.

Red lipstick also makes the lips seem bigger, pouting and more prominent. This is good for women with thin lips; a good red lipstick will add volume to their lips. For women with fuller lips, however, may want to use red lipsticks that are more dark-hued, such as reds with browns or reds with blues or purples, rather than the bright hues. Using reds with browns or blues will minimize their lips. To apply your red lipstick that will give you the maximum effect, put first a light layer of foundation over your lips. When the foundation has dried, dust your lips with face powder. Afterwards, line your lips with a lip liner, but make sure that your lip liner matches the colour of your lipstick. This is especially important if your lipstick tends to bleed from your lips.

When applying the lipstick, use a lip brush rather than smearing the stick on your lips. This will keep you from putting on too much. Always start at the middle of your lip and work your way to the corners. When you are done, blot it out with a tissue and then apply a second layer. This will make your lipstick last longer on your lips.

Speaking of making your lipstick last longer, you can dust your lips with a thin layer of face powder when you are done applying your lipstick. This will help you gain a few more hours on the lipstick. Other things to keep in mind are to avoid chewing on the lips and to keep the lips moisturized.

You should also remember that if you are going to paint your lips a vivid red, you should compensate and keep your makeup balanced by toning down on the eye shadow. Vivid red lips go with light eye shadow; better yet, lay off the eye shadow completely if you are going for red lips and just put mascara on your eyelashes. If you are going to pair bright red lips with heavy eye makeup, you will only end up looking like a clown.

Red lips are always gorgeous and kissable. Go ahead and try it.

By Anna Lynn C. Sibal