Monday, December 4, 2017

Physical Problems Men Experience With Sex

Although the majority of male sexual problems are psychologically based, there are a number of physical conditions that can affect your sex life. It is important to contact your doctor as soon as possible before anxiety over sexual performance begins to complicate matters and create tension.

Genital abnormalities are extremely rare, but when they do occur, they can be very upsetting. A tight foreskin can make intercourse painful, while an undescended testicle – although it will not affect intercourse – may cause embarrassment. Your doctor can swiftly correct both of these conditions. Any rash or soreness on the penis will make intercourse uncomfortable, and should be treated immediately, either by your doctor or at a special treatment clinic. Alcohol can have a detrimental effect on a man’s sexual performance, as it has a depressing effect on the nervous system. One drink too many may mean difficulty in achieving an erection, while alcoholism may give long-term problems, such as loss of libido.

Drugs prescribed for the treatment of depression of circulatory diseases can also affect sexual response. Erection may be possible, but there is no orgasm, or there is little interest in sex at all. Any man receiving medical treatment who has sexual problems should consult his doctor about the possible effects of medication.

Hormone deficiency can be the cause of loss of libido, but this is very rare. It can be due to an abnormally low level of testosterone, a male hormone. Men with this condition are likely to have little interest in sex, and hardly, if ever, do they masturbate. Hormone replacement therapy is possible but it does not have a very high success rate.  

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