Monday, June 20, 2011

How Simple “Slipups” Are Seductive

So many of us women have felt, at one point or another, uncomfortable with what we're wearing.

Maybe you've been invited to a party and select a sweater and a pair of pants. When you first purchased this outfit, you were proud to wear them out. Perhaps you've gained weight or are simply feeling bloated, but when you wear them this time, you find yourself constantly adjusting your pants or pulling down your shirt. It feels as though all eyes are on you.

Even if these thoughts are all in your head, you still speak them out loud with your constant adjustments. You might think you're making these adjustments subtly but in reality you're feeling and looking awkward in your own skin.

Making adjustments doesn't always have to mean "awkwardness", however. When done in a deliberate, flirtatious and joyful way, it's playful and tempting.

The main thing to remember when it comes to those sexy little slip-ups is that whatever you are "adjusting" is what you're calling attention to.  Men are captivated by women who are forever adjusting their clothes and themselves, but if you don't want him to notice the extra "cushioning" around your middle, don't fiddle with the hem of your shirt!

Many activities involve on-going maintenance include:

- Fixing your hair;
- Pulling up your dress or bra strap;
- Pulling down your skirt when it hikes up;
- Lifting your skirt, leaving a glimpse of your thigh exposed;
- Loosening tight, skimpy clothes;
- Tightening the looseness of oversized clothes or belts;
- Adjusting your necklace;
- Making sure your dangling earrings are not caught in your hair.

These motions call attention to the parts of you that you WANT him to focus on!

Consider wearing clothes that don't quite fit to keep the adjusting going. For example, wear sleeves that are too long so that you are always pushing them up. (I have a thing for long sleeves!)

Fidgeting with my clothes isn't an option during dance competitions, but I can play with my skirt or dress by slowly lifting it to expose a little more of my leg. Every time I touch a piece of clothing during a competition, it's done deliberately, often to expose some skin!

Fanning yourself when hot, or hugging yourself when cold, makes him aware of your physical state. He may want to help relieve your discomfort by fanning or hugging you himself.

Make him wish he were the one to be fixing and fluffing you.

Be aware that playing with objects can be perceived as barriers. For example, if you hold your glass directly in front of you, you are preventing a man from getting closer -- unless that is the outcome you want. If you are holding a purse, try not to keep it in front of you, as it can seem like an impassable fence -- unless that is the outcome you want.

If you lower your drink or purse and put it aside, that's an inviting sign to make him move in.
Transitioning between positions, like moving from standing up to sitting down, is a chance to make adjustments as well.

Every move you make should feel like a dance. Every move you make should be done deliberately and with purpose. It may seem like a lot to think about -- and at first, it is – but soon they will feel completely natural.

Start with one gesture consistently and then add another.

Repetition and practice are the keys to fluent movements.

Men love the promise of malfunction drama -- so act like you're about to pop or fall out of your clothes... But don't!

By: Patty at Sensuality Secrets

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