Monday, April 18, 2011

True Enemies of the Skin

Healthy skin is a valuable asset to anyone’s appearance, whatever their age.

First impressions of a person make a lasting impression, and among the details we first notice about others are their facial features and their skin.

For thousands of years, women especially, have been using lotions and creams to keep their skin silky-smooth. Legend has it that Cleopatra bathed in milk to preserve the beauty of her skin. Today it is indeed a proven fact that milk contains fruit acids currently being hailed as the most significant anti-aging cosmetic discovery! New and costly products are constantly being developed, offering the promise of a more beautiful and above all, more youthful skin.

But all will be in vain if the true enemies of the skin are ignored or a blind eye is turned. The enemies’ list is long and sometime scary.

Enemies’ lists

1. Baking in the sun may feel good and a beautiful bronzed tan may look good, but it is the worst thing that can be done to your skin. The sun’s ultra-violet rays can cause wrinkling and skin cancer. (Skin cancer is the most common of all cancers. It accounts for nearly half of all cancers in the United States. More than 2 million cases of non-melanoma skin cancer are found in this country each year. Melanoma, the most serious type of skin cancer, will account for about 68,130 cases of skin cancer in 2010 – American Cancer Society)

2. The wind dries and toughens the skin. Cover up on windy days – even if it means to wear a scarf to protect your face – and use a moisturizer regularly as preventative measure.

3. Dry air, whether hot or cold, robs the skin of moisture. In winter use a humidifier or boil a kettle in your bedroom before going to sleep. Plants are also good humidifiers since they emit water vapour.
4. Smoking is bad for your skin. Nicotine constricts blood vessels, interferes with the flow of oxygen and nutrients to skin cells, and can emphasise crow’s-feet. (Women smokers may develop crow's-feet earlier than women who don't smoke. According to Dr. Weiss, smoking makes you unconsciously squint as your eyes try to avoid the smoke's irritating and drying effects –

5. Hot baths can take moisture out of your skin. The longer the soak, the more moisture you lose. Go easy on these, as well as hot showers.

6. Poor nutrition affects the whole body, but the skin may show it first.

7. Inactivity means sluggish skin. Exercise increases blood flow and bathe the skin in its natural moisturizer – sweat.

8. Facial exercises designed to fight wrinkles may instead actually produce them, since they tend to crease the skin into set patterns.

In conclusion, for skin care, simpler is often better. For instance, you’ll find that wearing protective clothing to shield yourself from the harsh elements is a better method of skin care than using very expensive beauty creams.

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