Friday, December 10, 2010

How you see yourself

Screw magazines that tell you to focus on what you'd like to improve about your body. Heck, if you've got one, burn it. If you've got health issues to deal with, or need to make some healthy changes in terms of what you're eating or not getting enough activity, do that. But your body is not a home-improvement project.

Most of it is perfect as-is, right now. So, document that. Sit down and make a list of all of your favourite parts, and write down why they're your favourite. Maybe you like your eyes because they're aesthetically beautiful, or your legs because they get you where you need to go.

If you need extra help when it comes to appearances, instead of comparing yourself to fashion mags, get some pictures of your relatives, as far back as you can go, if they're available to you. In them, you're going to find your arms, your hair, your face -- you can discover where a lot of you came from and see yourself a bit differently when you're looking at you in someone else.


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