Saturday, January 29, 2011

10 Basic Health Tips

Life is tough and life is busy. Not everyone has the time to spend hours on their health every day.

Water: Often fatigue and depression are caused by dehydration. Most people do not drink enough water. You should have at least six to eight glasses every day. Remember that coffee and fizzy drinks and alcohol don't count – they actually dehydrate you.

An apple a day: Your body needs fruit and vegetables every day. And no, the slice of onion on the hamburger is not enough. Keep some apples or bananas at work and get into a habit of nibbling them rather than eating chips off the trolley.

Caffeine cadenza: Watch those endless bottomless cups of coffee. A cup or two can do little harm, but when you start doing four or five, it could wreak havoc with your blood pressure and sleeping patterns.

Cheers: Have a drink or two, but having more on a regular basis is simply not good for you. It dehydrates you and depletes your body's vitamin reserves. Never drink on an empty stomach. And make it a rule to drink a glass of water for every drink you've had. Your liver will be very grateful.

Walk: If it's six blocks to work, get into a habit of walking. If that's not possible, get into a habit of climbing a few floors to work rather than taking the lift. Don't drive to the shop on the corner, take a walk.

Get a rage outlet: Life can be frustrating and every now and then you could feel like you're going to explode. Rather than take it out on your family or on colleagues or other motorists, go running. Or go to the gym or take up kickboxing. Anything to get the juices flowing.

Be a quitter: If you smoke, chances are high you will either get lung cancer or emphysema. Don't do this to yourself and your family. Nicotine is one of the most powerful addictive substances around. This is the reason why it is difficult to quit. Do whatever it takes.

One for the road: Not a good idea. A major portion of road accidents and injuries can be ascribed to drinking and driving. Even if you don't get injured, think of how difficult it may be to live with the consequences of injuring someone else.

Don't harbor grudges: If you have things eating at you, keeping you awake at night and absorbing your energy, do something about them. Talk to someone - it won't kill you to see a therapist – and get rid of these feelings before they turn inwards and do real damage to your insides. Prolonged unhappiness or depression is often a precursor to serious illness.

Get enough sleep: Sometimes this is not possible, but make a point of trying to go to bed at more or less the same time every night. Your body likes routine and will reward you for it. Most people need about seven hours in order to function properly.

Acknowledgement: Susan Erasmus

The Versatile Soya Bean

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